Browsing Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Kreß, Rainer Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
On a Two Dimensional Inverse Scattering Problem for a Dielectric
(2012-03-05)The inverse problem under consideration is to reconstruct the shape of an infinitely long homogeneous dielectric cylinder from the far field (or near field) pattern for scattering of a ... -
Field and Shape Reconstruction in Fluid Dynamics
(2011-07-20)Inverse problems are concerned with the reconstruction of quantities from remote measurements. Inverse fluid flow problems are important for many applications, for example for determining ... -
Field reconstructions and range tests for acoustics and electromagnetics in homogeneous and layered media
(2008-06-02)In acoustic and electromagnetic scattering various methods for the reconstruction of the shape of an unknown object are examined. In particular, the multiwave range test is developed based ... -
Integral Equation Methods for Rough Surface Scattering Problems in three Dimensions
(2008-05-15)We consider the scattering of time harmonic acoustic waves by a sound soft rough surface in three dimensions. The analysis we develop holds in the case that the incident wave is due to a point source situated above ... -
Preconditioned Newton methods for ill-posed problems
(2007-09-05)We consider preconditioned regularized Newton methods tailored to the efficient solution of nonlinear large-scale exponentially ill-posed problems.In the first part of this thesis we investigate ... -
Magnetic Tomography
(2006-03-24)We consider the inverse problem of reconstructing a current distribution from its magnetic field that is called magnetic tomography. We study uniqueness issues by investigating the mapping ... -
Point Source Approximation Methods in Inverse Obstacle Reconstruction Problems
(2006-02-09)We consider point source approximation methods for the solution of inverse object reconstruction problems for the Laplace and the Helmholtz equation. We present a two-step algorithm to ... -
Charakterisierung eines Gebiets durch Spektraldaten eines Dirichletproblems zur Stokesgleichnung
(2004-02-17)We consider an inverse boundary value problem associated with the Stokes equation (in two and in three dimensions) and Dirichlet boundary condition.This problem requires the reconstruction of the ... -
Direktes und inverses Randwertproblem für einen Crack mit Impedanzrandbedingung
(2003-11-25)We consider both direct and inverse scattering problems for an open arc in a plane with an impedance boundary condition.This thesis is divided into two main parts: In the first part we ... -
Analytische und numerische Untersuchung von direkten und inversen Randwertproblemen in Gebieten mit Ecken mittels Integralgleichungsmethoden
(2002-01-11)We consider inverse boundary value problems for the Helmholtz and Laplace equations in domains with corners. This thesis has three main parts. The first one gives the functional ... -
Analytische und numerische Untersuchungen bei inversen Transmissionsproblemen zur zeitharmonischen Wellengleichung
(2001-05-25)Scattering theory deals with a scattering object´s effect that on an incident wave. In this context the time-harmonic wave equation is a mathematical model for the scattering of acoustic ...