Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Krebs, Hans-Ulrich Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Minimizing thermal conductivity in laser deposited multilayers
(2017-01-26)Heat, light and electricity are three foundation pillars not only of physics, but also of our daily lives. Therefore, these have been studied by scientists for centuries and an always better understanding of the underlying ... -
Multilagenzonenplatten für die Mikroskopie mit harter Röntgenstrahlung
(2016-08-02)X-ray microscopy is due to the small wavelength and high penetration depth an auspicious technique for improved investigations of materials on nm-scale. For this, multilayer zone plates (MZP) with well-defined and smooth ... -
Spannungsinduzierte Wellenbildung in laserdeponierten Polymer/Metall-Systemen
(2014-07-24)Multilayer thin films with dimensions at the nanometer scale represent a technologically important class of materials where the interface and size effects play an important role. Interestingly, when polymer/metal multilayers ... -
Beeinflussung des Wachstums von Metall auf Polymer durch die gepulste Laserdeposition
(2014-03-24)Nowadays, fabrication of embedded metal particles in dielectric matrices plays an important role for technical devices, e.g. data storage, sensors or enhancement of efficiency of solar cells. In this work, metal nanoparticles ... -
Multilagenbasierte Transmissionsoptiken für die Röntgenmikroskopie
(2012-08-23)Microscopy in the x-ray regime (0,001 – 10 nm wavelength) is a well-established method filling the gap between light and electron microscopy. Focusing of x-rays using transmission optics like zone plates, spatial resolutions ... -
Untersuchungen zur Polymerdynamik an laserdeponierten Poly(alkyl methacrylat)-Filmen
(2010-04-06)Pulsed Laser Deposition is an extremely versatile method for preparation of thin films of a wide range of material classes. The associated ablation mechanisms are very complex - especially ... -
Charakterisierung und Modifizierung glatter laserdeponierter Poly(methyl methacrylat)-Schichten
(2010-04-06)Even though poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) belongs to the weak absorbing materials at a wavelength of 248 nm, it is possible for the first time to deposit very smooth PMMA films with the ... -
Analyse der Glättung rauer Oberflächen durch Dünnschichtdeposition
(2009-08-17)In this dissertation it is investigated if and to what extent it is possible to smooth a rough surface by deposition of a thin film. The theory of roughening and smoothing due to growth ... -
Depositionsmechanismen, Struktur und mechanische Eigenschaften laserdeponierter Poly(methyl methacrylat)-Filme
(2007-01-31)In the recent years Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) was established as a versatile technique to deposit thin films of different materials. The deposition of organic materials is made difficult ... -
Charakteristische Eigenschaften laserdeponierter Poly(methyl-methacrylat)-Filme
(2005-05-20)Over the last decades polymeric thin films have shown their growing importance for applications. In this contribution, the properties of pulsed UV-laserdeposited (PLD) poly (methyl ... -
Wachstum metallischer Nanoclustern auf Polymeroberflächen
(2005-04-22)Growth and properties of metallic nanoclusters on polymer surfaces lead to interesting physical questions. At the same time clusters on polymers have a high potential with regard to technical ... -
Rauhigkeit und Durchmischung der Grenzflächen in laserdeponierten Cu-Ag- und Fe-Ag-Schichtsystemen
(2002-11-21)Due to the high kinetic energy of the ions that are produced during pulsed laser deposition, thin films prepared by this method show a number of marked differences when compared to films ...