Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Müller, Marcus Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Processes of structure formation in copolymer systems
(2024-11-15)Block copolymers exhibit complex properties, such as self-assembly capabilities and viscoelasticity, making them indispensable in various industries and scientific fields. Their ability to create ordered microscopic ... -
Reaction-Driven Assembly and Diffusiophoresis: Mechanisms for Control and Organization of Life-like Systems
(2024-07-12)The interior of cells, a fundamental building block of biological systems, is a hetero- geneous environment comprised of a multitude of molecular species. Its organization in the form of aggregates and compartments is ... -
Structure formation in binary polymer systems: Short-time dynamics and dynamics of crosslinked systems
(2022-07-27)Structure evolution in multicomponent polymer melts and in their network equivalents is investigated. In the first part, particle-based simulations reveal that on short length and time scales, the collective kinetics of ... -
Rheology and Structure Formation in Complex Polymer Melts
(2019-04-17)Polymeric materials are ubiquitous in our modern lives. Their many applications in complex materials are accompanied by potentially huge benefits for technological advancement. These applications range from batteries, ... -
Kinetics of Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers via Continuum Models
(2019-02-22)The development of nanostructured materials relies on the advancement of our understanding of their properties and behavior at the molecular level. To leverage the potential of block-copolymers (BCP) as a cutting-edge ... -
Kinetics of structure formation in block copolymers
(2018-04-25)Block copolymers are amphiphilic macromolecules, which consist of multiple incompatible parts. Although block copolymers may differ in their microscopic interactions, their phase behaviors share many similarities. In ... -
Energy dissipation and transport in polymeric switchable nanostructures via a new energy-conserving Monte-Carlo scheme
(2018-04-13)Polymers are materials that are widely used in industry. The advantages of polymers are their comparatively simple possibility of processing, e.g, injection moulding processes, 3D printers, and self-assembly. Polymers ... -
Computer simulation and analysis of self-assembled alkylthiol monolayers on the surface of liquid mercury
(2016-08-10)In this dissertation I investigate the structure and thermodynamics of alkylthiol (thiol) surfactants on the surface of liquid mercury (Hg) by means of the large-scale Molecular Dynamics (MD) techniques. Simulations ... -
The interplay between curvature and composition in binary mixture lipid bilayers
(2016-04-08)In this work we investigate, via computer simulations with an implicit-solvent coarse-grained model, the interplay between curvature and composition in self- assembled lipid structures comprised by two lipid species with ... -
Molecular Dynamics simulations of polymer liquids on substrates of different topography
(2013-02-04)The properties of polymer films and droplets at substrates of different topography are studied employing particle-based simulation techniques (Molecular Dynamics). The liquid is modeled by short coarse-grained polymer ... -
Minimal models for lipid membranes: local modifications around fusion objects
(2013-02-01)Solvent-free soft coarse-grained models are particularly appropriate to investigate collective phenomena in lipid membranes. In this work we exploit such a model to show how modifying a few model parameters we can control ... -
Random Block Copolymer Melts in the Bulk and at Selective Substrates
(2011-12-15)Random block copolymers are polymers that consist of two different, randomly as- sembled types of blocks. Each of these blocks comprises one type of monomer and a repulsion between these ... -
Statics and dynamics of solvent-free models for liquid bilayer membranes
(2011-05-31)Collective phenomena in lipid membranes, like pore formation and fusion, self-assembly, or lateral demixing of lipid mixtures, have attracted tremendous interest over the last years. Often, ... -
Measuring the Free Energy of Self-assembling Systems in Computer Simulation
(2010-01-27)Membrane fusion is involved in a multitude of biological processes like endo- and exocytosis, viral infection or synaptic release. The detailed mechanism, however, is not well understood ...