Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Salditt, Tim Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
A matter of brightness: table-top X-ray generation inside waveguides and X-ray holography with single free-electron laser pulses
(2022-03-22)X-ray microscopy delivers insights into the structure of optically opaque bulk specimens with high spatial resolution. The source brightness poses a limit on the achievable resolution, however. While table-top X-ray sources ... -
Vesicle Adhesion, Fusion, and Neurotransmitter Uptake Studied by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
(2022-02-15)Synaptic neurotransmission is a highly complex and crucial process in the communication between neuronal cells, and is thus directly related to the complex functions of the neural system, including information processing ... -
Hochauflösende Bildgebung und NEXAFS-Spektroskopie mit weicher Röntgenstrahlung aus laserinduzierten Plasmen
(2019-01-24)Soft x-ray microscopy and absorption spectroscopy are extremely useful tools for high-resolution imaging and chemical analysis of samples in various scientific fields. However, due to the required high photon flux of ... -
Multiscale X-Ray Analysis of Biological Cells and Tissues by Scanning Diffraction and Coherent Imaging
(2018-12-13)The past 70 years of muscle research have profoundly shaped our current understanding of the structure and function of muscle. X-ray diffraction became a key method in its structural analysis and yielded valuable insights ... -
3d virtual histology of neuronal tissue by propagation-based x-ray phase-contrast tomography
(2018-07-05)Deciphering the three-dimensional (3d) cytoarchitecture of neuronal tissue is an important step towards understanding the connection between tissue function and structure and determining relevant changes in neurodegenerative ... -
Time-resolved X-ray phase-contrast tomography
(2018-06-27)X-ray tomography allows to obtain the three-dimensional (3d) structure of weakly interacting objects, such as tissue samples in biomedical imaging or nanoscale structures in materials science, with high spatial resolution. ... -
X-Ray Near-Field Holography: Beyond Idealized Assumptions of the Probe
(2017-11-08)All images are flawed, no matter how good your lenses, mirrors etc. are. Especially in the hard X-ray regime it is challenging to manufacture high quality optics due to the weak interaction of multi-keV photons with matter. ... -
Advanced x-ray multilayer waveguide optics
(2017-09-12)The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that x-ray waveguide optics can be gen- eralized from a single guiding film to an array of planar waveguides, enabling more complex and controllable phenomena of field propagation ... -
X-Ray Micro- and Nano-Diffraction Imaging on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Differentiated Cells
(2017-06-13)Recent advances in hard x-ray optics, instrumentation and detection have made it possible to probe biological samples by combining diffraction with raster scanning, using step sizes on the order of cellular organelle ... -
X-ray waveguide optics: Beyond straight channels
(2017-04-28)Modern x-ray sources and analysis techniques such as lens less imaging combined with phase retrieval algorithms allow for resolving structure sizes in the nanometerrange. For this purpose optics have to be employed, ... -
Phase retrieval for object and probe in the optical near-field
(2016-01-12)Lensless, holographic X-ray microscopy is a non-invasive imaging technique that provides resolution on the nanometer scale. Therefore, a divergent, coherent and especially clean wavefront impinging on the sample is needed. ... -
Cone-beam x-ray phase-contrast tomography for the observation of single cells in whole organs
(2015-11-10)X-ray imaging enables the nondestructive investigation of interior structures in otherwise opaque samples. In particular the use of computed tomography (CT) allows for arbitrary virtual slices through the object and 3D ... -
Scanning X-Ray Nanodiffraction on Dictyostelium discoideum
(2015-11-06)In the recent years, novel focussing optics for synchrotron radiation sources became available, which now allow focussing the x-radiation down to 100\,nm (FWHM). Thus, the typically poor spatial resolution of Small Angle ... -
Coherent X-Ray Diffractive Imaging on the Single-Cell-Level of Microbial Samples:
(2014-12-17)Since its first experimental demonstration in 1999, Coherent X-Ray Diffractive Imaging has become one of the most promising high resolution X-Ray imaging techniques using coherent radiation produced by brilliant synchrotron ... -
Ein Verfahren zur Herstellung zweidimensionaler Röntgenwellenleiter
(2013-07-15)As X-ray beams only weakly interact with matter, conventional refracting optics are not suitable for the use in this energy range. Instead, different approaches replace conventional optics in the X-ray regime, one of them ... -
A Dedicated Endstation for Waveguide-based X-Ray Imaging
(2012-08-30)X-ray microscopy has emerged as a powerful and versatile imaging technique in many fields of science over the last years, offering insights in opaque media at high spatial resolution. A major challenge remains the ... -
Herstellung von Optiken für weiche Röntgenstrahlung und deren Charakterisierung an Labor- und Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen
(2012-03-29)Within the last decades soft X-ray microscopy methods win increasing importance. Labratory-scale laser-induced plasma sources make this radiation available to a larger community of researchers ... -
Wave optical simulations for x-ray nano-focusing optics
(2012-02-22)Curved x-ray multilayer mirrors focus synchrotron beams down to tens of nano metres. A wave-optical theory describing propagation of two waves in an elliptically curved focusing multilayer ... -
Synaptic Vesicles Studied by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
(2010-12-21)The heterogeneous structure of synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain is investigated considering solution small-angle x-ray scattering data in combination with data obtained by cryogenic ... -
Soft X-ray stereo microscopy for investigation of dynamics and elemental distribution of colloidal systems from the environment
(2010-03-12)Soil colloids are classified to be in a size range of 1nm to 1μm. Their huge specific surface determines the interactions of the soil colloids, which differ from the behaviour of the same ...