Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Müller, Marcus Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
Processes of structure formation in copolymer systems
(2024-11-15)Block copolymers exhibit complex properties, such as self-assembly capabilities and viscoelasticity, making them indispensable in various industries and scientific fields. Their ability to create ordered microscopic ... -
Reaction-Driven Assembly and Diffusiophoresis: Mechanisms for Control and Organization of Life-like Systems
(2024-07-12)The interior of cells, a fundamental building block of biological systems, is a hetero- geneous environment comprised of a multitude of molecular species. Its organization in the form of aggregates and compartments is ... -
Multiscale simulations of liquid-liquid interfaces: From lipid membrane to graphene
(2023-11-06)There is an increasing demand to enhance the development of coarse-grained models in order to facilitate highly efficient simulations of realistic biological systems. In our endeavor to tackle this challenge, in chapter ... -
Wetting dynamics on soft surfaces
(2023-03-01)Dynamic wetting of a liquid deposited on a soft solid is very common in many biological, medical, and industrial processes. Thus, understanding the interaction between a moving liquid drop and a soft surface remains crucial, ... -
Stochastic field theory of viscoelastic solids: a quantitative study of phononic friction
(2022-07-27)Identifying the relevant dynamics of solids that give rise to friction is an active field of study. It includes electronic and phononic degrees of freedom, but the latter seems to be of particular significance. For instance, ... -
Structure formation in binary polymer systems: Short-time dynamics and dynamics of crosslinked systems
(2022-07-27)Structure evolution in multicomponent polymer melts and in their network equivalents is investigated. In the first part, particle-based simulations reveal that on short length and time scales, the collective kinetics of ... -
Chemical Reactions as Control Mechanisms for Biomolecular Condensates
(2022-05-31)Biological cells need to structure their interior in space and time. One way this is done are containers enclosed by a membrane as a physical barrier that can control which molecules enter and leave the container. Another, ... -
Advanced multiplexing techniques in single molecule localisation microscopy
(2022-05-13)DNA point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (DNA-PAINT) is a powerful super-resolution technique highly suitable for multi-target (multiplexing) bio-imaging applications. However, multiplexed imaging of cells ... -
Leaflet-resolved localization and diffusion of molecules within membranes using metal-induced energy transfer
(2022-05-10)Diffusion is the most fundamental process of molecular transport in cell membranes and an important factor in maintaining its fluidity, controlling the dynamics and functioning of the membrane. In-depth knowledge of membrane ... -
Structure Formation and Collective Behavior of Dipolar Active Particles
(2021-12-13)Dipolar active particles describe a class of self-propelled, biological or artificial particles. These particles are equipped with an internal, typically magnetic, dipole moment. The combination of dipolar particle-particle ... -
Brownian Particles in Nonequilibrium Solvents
(2020-01-08)Colloidal particles suspended in purely viscous (Newtonian) solvents have played a crucial role in understanding nonequilibrium processes and in the development of statistical physics out of equilibrium. The theoretical ... -
Fluctuational electrodynamics for nonlinear materials in and out of equilibrium
(2019-05-16)Fluctuational electrodynamics (FE) is a successful and well established theory. By making use of the fluctuation dissipation-theorem (FDT), it ties together the linear response (Green's function) and the strength of thermal ... -
Rheology and Structure Formation in Complex Polymer Melts
(2019-04-17)Polymeric materials are ubiquitous in our modern lives. Their many applications in complex materials are accompanied by potentially huge benefits for technological advancement. These applications range from batteries, ... -
Refining the chemical and kinetic decoupling description of thermally produced dark matter
(2019-03-26)The first part of this thesis deals with refined theoretical predictions of the thermal relic abundance for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). Methods are developed in a model independent way to describe the ... -
Kinetics of Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers via Continuum Models
(2019-02-22)The development of nanostructured materials relies on the advancement of our understanding of their properties and behavior at the molecular level. To leverage the potential of block-copolymers (BCP) as a cutting-edge ... -
Morphological instabilities in drying colloids
(2018-10-15)The crystallization of hard sphere colloidal dispersions show a variation of phase behaviours, as the volume fraction of colloidal dispersions increases, particles transform from a liquid to a crystal state, which two ... -
Mechanosensing and Symmetry of Potassium Channels Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
(2018-10-02)Potassium channels are relevant in a variety of physiological processes in all three kingdoms of life. In mammals these processes including nerve signaling, heartbeat regulation, and osmotic regulation of cells. Thus a ... -
Conformational Dynamics of Living Polymers
(2018-07-11)Polymerization is outstanding among chemical reaction processes due to its importance for technical applications as well as for an understanding of complex processes in living matters. In this thesis, we have studied the ... -
Structure Determination From Single Molecule X-Ray Scattering Experiments using Photon Correlations
(2018-06-18)Scattering experiments with femtosecond high-intensity free-electron laser pulses provide a new route to macromolecular structure determination without the need for crystallization at low material usage. In these ... -
Kinetics of structure formation in block copolymers
(2018-04-25)Block copolymers are amphiphilic macromolecules, which consist of multiple incompatible parts. Although block copolymers may differ in their microscopic interactions, their phase behaviors share many similarities. In ...