Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Schmahl, Günter Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Mikro-Ionenstrahl-Apparatur zur Exposition lebender Zellen
(2002-08-06)The dissertation "Micro ion beam facility for the irradiation of living cells" ("Mikro-Ionenstrahl-Apparatur zur Exposition lebender Zellen") describes the design and the properties of an ... -
Untersuchung polarer Fackeln mittels Bildrekonstruktion und Inversionstechniken
(2001-08-15)With both German Solar Telescopes in Tenerife polar faculae were observed in the FeI Lines of 630,15 and 630,25 nm. Out of the GCTs data an analytical model of the dependence of the Parameters ...