The effect of neighborhood identity on seasonal tree growth responses and ecophysiological characteristics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
Zum Einfluss unterschiedlicher Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse von Einzelbäumen auf das saisonale Baumwachstum und ökophysiologische Merkmale der Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica L.)
by Jérôme Metz
Date of Examination:2019-08-27
Date of issue:2020-01-17
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ernst-Detlef Schulze
Referee:Prof. Dr. Alexander Knohl
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Climate change related rise in mean surface (air) temperature, altered intra-annual thermal and precipitation regimes as well as an expected increase of extreme weather events which are also prognosticated for large parts of Europe can impair the vitality or rather the productivity of long-living forest ecosystems. This also applies to beech forest communities (Fagion sylvaticae), although due its competitive superiority and wide niche breadth, common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is one of the most important (economic) tree species of Central Europe that plays a key role in numerous programmes for the conversion of large scale coniferous monocultures. In addition to slow (epi-) genetic adaptation responses, at least in commercial forests, different silvicultural measures are suitable to mitigate the impacts and risks of changing climate or weather conditions in order to secure the maintenance of all forest ecosystem services. It is a main objective of active silvicultural interventions to improve resource availability, uptake as well as use efficiency at the individual tree and, respectively, stand level. This aim can either be achieved by stand density reductions during regular spacings with adequate thinning grades or by admixing site-adapted co-occuring tree species. Two fundamental processes are considered key factors for positive interactions between mixed species in diverse forests: competition reduction or facilitation. A more profound understanding of these complex interactions and competition processes in mixed stands is indispensable for the development of appropriate silvicultural management options or adaptation strategies that are based upon scientific research. In view of these particular circumstances, the main objectives of this study were the following: a) to measure the impact of competition intensity and neighborhood identity, which are both closely linked to silvicultural management interventions, on stem growth patterns of beech target trees at various time scales (day to year) b) to explain the revealed growth response of selected beech target trees as a function of their competitive neighborhood c) to explain the revealed growth pattern by analyzing growth related ecophysiological and morphological plant traits such as stable isotope ratios or crown architecture The collection of data necessary to address these study aims was conducted on permanent field plots which were established in three long-term research sites. These three ‘Exploratories’ were set up in the German Federal States of Brandenburg (Biosphere Reserve Schorfheide-Chorin), Thuringia (Hainich National Park including its surrounding area) as well as Baden-Wuerttemberg (Biosphere Reserve Swabian Alb) and are the key elements of a DFG-funded (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) research platform for functional biodiversity research, the ‘Biodiversity Exploratories’. Within each Exploratory, eight standardized tree groups were selected. Half of them were located in pure beech stands and the other half in regionally typical mixed stands. Each of the 24 tree groups consisted of exactly five uniformly arranged single trees. One beech in the centre of the tree group (= target tree) was surrounded by exactly four similarly dimensioned neighboring trees (= competitors) that were arranged symmetrically and in a comparable distance around the central tree. In order to be able to compare the effect of intra- or interspecific competition on growth responses and related plant traits of European beech, the target trees were either exclusively encircled by other beeches or by the regionally typical, site-adapted admixed tree species Scots pine (Schorfheide-Chorin), Norway spruce (Swabian Alb) respectively valuable hardwoods (Hainich-Dün). As most of the approaches that have so far been applied to investigate the relationship between (crown) competition and individual tree growth insufficiently considered the variability of processes and especially crown shapes in the canopy of (mixed) forests, in a first study a competition index (CCSA(Cone) = Competitors’ Crown Surface Area) was derived from terrestrial laser scans (TLS). This index is based on real crown shapes of the competitor trees and considers their species identity by including specific coefficients of transmission (chapter 2). In case of equal neighborhood density, compared to the intra-specific competition pressure target tree beeches in pure stands were exposed to, aboveground inter-specific competition emanating from valuable hardwoods, spruce or pine on beech was evaluated as being (significantly) lower. Across-site comparisons showed that relative basal area growth of the target trees at the end of the 2012 vegetation period behaved strictly opposite to competition intensity. Beeches that were exclusively surrounded by pine trees achieved by far the highest relative basal area growth rates, followed by those target trees competing with Norway spruce or valuable hardwoods for light, water and nutrients. Target tree beeches in pure stands exhibited the lowest relative basal area increment rates. Correlation analysis and the application of linear mixed effects regression models to describe the (functional) relationship between absolute one-year basal area growth and competition indicated, that the TLS-based index ‘CCSA(Cone)’ explained growth response of beech target trees better than a competition index based on geometrical crown shapes. Thus, ‘CCSA(Cone)’ can contribute to improve the understanding of competition processes especially in mixed stands. For a further study, dendrochronological investigations and measurements of the wood 13C-signature of all 24 target tree beeches were combined. Pairwise comparisons within the three Exploratories revealed that, referring to the evaluation period 1970-2011, average radial growth rates of beeches growing in pure stands were (significantly) lower than those of target trees exclusively surrounded by regionally-typical admixed tree species (Scots pine, valuable hardwoods or Norway spruce). This basic growth pattern was also often observed during the extremely dry years 1976 and 2003, although water stress-induced relative growth depression was generally weaker in pure beech stands. However, beeches exposed to intra-specific competition recovered more slowly from drought-induced growth depression than the respective subpopulation of the same investigation area that was surrounded by regionally-typical admixed tree species. Ring-width measurements and especially the wood stable isotope analysis suggested an improved water supply of those beeches surrounded by (less competitive) admixed tree species during periods with distinct rainfall deficits which, due to the ongoing climate change, are expected to occur more frequent in the future (chapter 3). In the framework of the third study (chapter 4), over a period of two years, half-hourly stem girth microvariations of all 24 target tree beeches were continuously recorded using electronic dendrometers to evaluate the influence of competition intensity and neighborhood identity on intra-annual stem growth pattern of European beech on various time scales (day to year). At the end of the vegetation periods 2012 and 2013, relative basal area growth of the target tree beeches exclusively exposed to inter-specific competition by regionally-typical admixed tree species were consistently (but sometimes insignificantly) higher than in the pure stands of the same Exploratory. Simple linear regression analyses approximated a significant functional relationship between relative basal area growth (= response variable) and the TLS-derived competition index CCSA (= predictor variable) for both years. Fitting Weibull growth curves to rescaled dendrometer profiles provided parameter estimates appropriate for intra-regional comparisons of seasonal beech growth dynamics in pure or mixed stands. Only in mixture with Scots pine, interspecific competition triggered a (significant) prolongation of target tree wood formation compared to beech growth dynamics in pure stands of the same region. Competitive neighborhoods consisting of Norway spruce or valuable hardwoods, however, did not induce consistent trends towards extended growth durations under interspecific interference. It seems as if in competitive neighborhoods composed of Norway spruce or valuable hardwoods, potential beneficial mixing effects on intra-annual growth dynamics are counterbalanced by small-scale differences in site or weather conditions. Within the same Exploratory, the monthly progress of daily average stem growth rates (in µm) of beeches growing under intra- or interspecific competition almost paralleled. However, only target tree beeches from the Swabian Alb pure stands regularly attained the daily growth rates of their conspecifics growing in mixture with Norway spruce. Within the two other Exploratories, superior diurnal growth rates of beeches in mixed stands attributable to (lower) interspecific competition by Scots pine or valuable hardwoods occurred. This allows the conclusion that intra-annual beech growth dynamics are primarily controlled by environmental impacts and site conditions. Species-specific mixing effects can positively influence diurnal growth rates of target tree beeches at a given site, but they are not strong enough to overcome fundamental growth-environment interactions throughout the year. In summary, it can be concluded that the vulnerability of European beech to environmental constraints associated with global warming is co-determined by competition intensity and species identity of the neighboring trees. The results of this study imply, that the more complementary functional traits of admixed tree species and beech are, the lower is the competitive stress the latter is exposed to. Distinct trait variation, in turn, has a positive impact on resource supply, especially water availability of European beech and thus on its long-term growth performance and short-term drought response. However, the net effect of competition reduction or facilitation in interspecific neighbourhoods on growth and resource use of beech depends on a complex interplay of several factors. In addition to temporal, spatial, morphological or physiological niche complementarity between beech and the admixed tree species, site as well as climatic conditions or rather the growth limiting resource itself determine the magnitude of relaxation. Nonetheless, the systematic, preferably small-scale admixture of site-adapted co-occuring tree species into pure beech stands can be considered as an appropriate silvicultural measure to mitigate negative effects of climate change and more frequent drought events on growth and vitality of European beech. This, of course, must not only be considered under the aspects of forest utilization and risk management, but it can also be of vital importance for the maintenance of all other equally important forest ecosystem services.
Keywords: beech; competition; climate change; drought stress; mixing effects