Fast and Robust Multi-Dimensional Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
by Sebastian Rosenzweig
Date of Examination:2020-06-10
Date of issue:2020-09-02
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Martin Uecker
Referee:Prof. Dr. Martin Uecker
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ulrich Parlitz
Referee:Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stollberger
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become an almost indispensable tool in hospitals worldwide as it provides significant and unique information for the assessment of various disease and injuries. However, MRI is an intrinsically slow modality, which makes imaging of moving objects such as the beating heart particularly challenging. This thesis contributes three complementary techniques to improve the quality and robustness of fast MRI with specific focus on cardiac imaging. The RING method allows for the elimination of streaking artifacts by accurate estimation of gradient delays in radial imaging from few k- space lines. RING is successfully applied to an interactive real-time MRI measurement with interactive changes to the slice position. The SMS-NLINV method enables fast and time-consistent imaging of multiple slices by combining two established MR techniques: Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) MRI for the concurrent imaging of multiple slices and Regularized Non-linear Inversion (NLINV) for fast, calibration-less parallel MRI. The use of SMS-NLINV for multi-slice real-time cardiac MRI is demonstrated. SSA-FARY is a method for self-gated cardiac MRI. It makes use of a time-delayed embedding to detect the cardiac and respiratory motion states and therefore renders breath-holds and the use of external monitoring devices obsolete. SSA-FARY is applied for radial single- slice, SMS and volumetric stack-of-stars free-breathing cardiac imaging. All presented methods inherently possess broad fields of application and constitute essential building blocks as well as future prospects for fast and robust multi-dimensional cardiac MRI.
Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging; real-time MRI; cardiac MRI; gradient delay correction; self-gating; time-delayed embedding; simultaneous multi-slice imaging