Der direkte und indirekte Effekt von Zytokinen bei Morbus-Crohn-Patienten auf die Differenzierung von Osteoklasten - Effekt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von TNF-α, Interleukin-1ß und Interleukin-6 -
The direct and indirect effect of cytokines in Crohn's disease patients on osteoclast differentiation - Effect with special consideration of TNF-α, interleukin-1ß and interleukin-6 -
von Enver Aydilek
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2020-10-28
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Heide Siggelkow
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Nicolai Miosge
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Margarete Schön
Name:Enver Aydilek Doktorarbeit ohne Lebenslauf.pdf
Crohn's disease is associated with an increased prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures whose pathogenesis is still controversial. However, among the most important influences, the disease activity, in particular the increase in the concentration of cytokine combination (IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-alpha) is in focus. In this PhD thesis the direct and indirect effect of this cytokine combination, as measured in Crohn's disease patients, on osteoclast differentiation and activity was investigated. At the same time, the optimal conditions for the cultivation of osteoclasts from monocytes were determined by different experimental approaches. Monocytes were isolated from donated buffy coats using a special magnet separation method from MACS Technology. Stimulation in the direction of osteoclasts was performed by adding RANKL 100ng/ml and M-CSF 25ng/ml in a time frame of 14 to 21 days. The concentration and time of addition of the respective cytokines and cytokine combinations was varied in several experiments. In addition to the cytokine combination, supernatants of osteoblasts, which were previously treated with the cytokine combination (IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-alpha) for 48 hours, were added. Real-time PCR was used for quantitative gene analysis and staining with toludine blue and TRAP for qualitative analysis. Activity measurement of osteoclasts was performed on a matrix prepared using SAOS-2 cells and the CSR-BRA-24 Resorption Assay Kit 24. Immunostaining was performed using antibodies for VNRT and protein level analysis using Western Blot for Cathepsin K and Vitronectin. Statistical evaluation was performed using ANOVA analysis of variance within the GraphPad Prism program. Gene expression of specific osteoclast proteins such as VNRT, Cathepsin K, TRAP and MMP 9 was used to demonstrate successful cultivation and differentiation of osteoclasts. With the addition of the cytokine combination (IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-alpha) we could show a direct inhibitory effect on osteoclast activation. After addition of the cytokine-treated osteoblasts' supernatants to the osteoclasts, an increase in the osteoclast surface markers was observed. Correspondingly, a significantly increased rate of resorption was found when using the supernatants in the resorption analysis. In this study, a direct and indirect effect of the cytokine combination of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-alpha could be shown. The decrease in gene expression of osteoclast markers with increasing resorption activity could be due to the shift of RANKL/OPG in favor of RANKL. However, other, as yet unknown factors may also be involved, which only show an influence at the protein level. The reduction of gene expression could be explained by the high activity of osteoclasts during resorption. The treatment of osteoclasts with the supernatants from osteoblasts treated with the cytokine combination showed a significant increase of this effect. Further investigations and experimental approaches, especially with the optimal experimental conditions determined in this work, should provide information on this.
Keywords: Crohn's disease; fracture; osteoporosis; IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha; osteoclast; osteoblast