Anwendungsbeobachtung der Multiplate®Impedanzaggregometrie in Bezug auf den postoperativen Transfusionsbedarf bei kardiochirurgischen Operationen mit intraoperativem Anschluss an eine HerzLungenMaschine
Use of the Multiplate® Method in Cardiothoracic Surgery with intraoperative Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass with respect to postoperative Transfusion Requirements
von Nora Freifrau von Saß
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2016-11-21
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Michael Winterhalter
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Michael Winterhalter
Gutachter:PD Dr. Joachim Riggert
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausberg
Name:SUB_Doktorarbeit Endversion 04.11.2016 zur e...pdf
The Multiplate® System as a Point of Care method allows a standardised detection of a deficiency in platelet function in the intraoperative setting. This observational study evaluated the alteration in platelet function, as detected by the Multiplate® System, in on-pump cardiac surgeries and its predictive value with respect to postoperative transfusion demands. The study cohort consists of 82 patients. At three specific times during surgery (induction of anaesthesia, release of aortic cross clamp and after Protamine) blood samples were taken and analysed. In summary, the Multiplate® method showed a predicitive aspect with concerning administered units of Fresh Frozen Plasma, Platelet Transfusions and Coagulation Factors (PPSB and Fibrogammin) in the postoperative setting. There was no predictive aspect with respect to the postoperative administration of Packed Red Blood Cells. A combination of TRAP AUC and standard coagulation tests (PTT, Quick - Value, Fibrinogen, Thrombin-Time) can help to determine postoperative transfusion requirements.
Keywords: Multiplate® Method; on-pump cardiac surgeries; TRAP AUC; postoperativeTransfusions
Schlagwörter: Multiplate-Impedanzaggregometrie; kardiovaskuläre Operationen mit intraoperativen Anschluss an die Herz-Lungen-Maschine; POC-Methode; postoperativer GFP- und TK-Transfusionsbedarf