Management and drought effects on growth and herbage yield of Tall Wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum) for biogas production in Central Europe
von Michael Dickeduisberg
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2018-02-12
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Johannes Isselstein
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Johannes Isselstein
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Harald Laser
Name:Dickeduisberg M. - Veröffentlichung.pdf
Climate change clearly influences agricultural production. Most scientific studies for climate change in Central Europe predict the scarcity of water and a changed distribution of precipitation that will lead to increased periods of drought in the coming decades. Biogas is expected to contribute to climate change. However, the yields of energy crops and other crops are predicted to be more volatile and to decrease, in general, on the regional level because of climate change. In addition, maize has an outstanding share on substrata for biogas production. This results in the reduced diversity of crop rotations and ecological problems, due to a high share of maize cultivation for biogas production, and are in the focus of public criticism. Hence, there is a need for alternative and cost-efficient biogas feedstock. The perennial crop tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum (Host) P. Beauv.) is already grown as a drought-tolerant forage crop on many continents, is considered to better protect soil than maize and has been shown to achieve good qualities as a biogas substrate in preliminary trials. This study was aimed at answering questions about the drought resistance and resilience that has not been examined so far, solving germination problems observed under practical conditions, and giving expertise in optimising cutting management under Central European environmental conditions. In a series of experiments in a climate cabinet, in containers and in the field, two to four cultivars of different continental origins were compared and evaluated under various test terms. Initially, a germination test was set up under controlled conditions in a climate cabinet. It was assumed that germination is inhibited by long durations of drought and too low temperatures. For that purpose, four provenances were submitted to three different pre-treatments (prechilling, hydropriming, nitrate-treatment), periodical illumination or complete darkness, and three temperature regimes (constant 10 °C, constant 20 °C, 10 °C/20 °C alternating temperatures) to test the effects on germination. In addition, three levels of drought stress (0 MPa, -0.1 MPa, -1 MPa) were induced. Intense drought of -1 MPa was the main effect on germination and clearly reduced germination that could only partly be mitigated by fluctuating temperatures and darkness. Approximately 90% of the seeds germinated in slight drought (-0.1 MPa) and in the control treatment (0 MPa). The effect of the provenance on germination was significant but circumstantial. The germination speed was positively influenced by priming and rising temperature. A container experiment (30 dm³) was started to evaluate drought resistance and subsequent resilience of two cultivars of tall wheatgrass and a common cultivar of native tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). The grass species were expected to adapt differently to drought and show different reactions of biomass production in the subsequent period of resilience. Therefore, the water availability of medium clayey silt was varied in three levels of 90% field capacity (-0.013 MPa), 67% field capacity (-0.1 MPa) and 46% field capacity (-0.316 MPa) in an outdoor-climate greenhouse. All plants grew over the winter period until the first defoliation in spring. Afterwards, water availability was varied between drought treatments and was held constant for approximately two months until the first regular harvest. In the subsequent period of three months up to the final harvest, all of the plants remained at 90% field capacity. The water consumption as a function of transpiration was monitored daily. The evaporation was controlled by covering the soil. The results showed that tall wheatgrass was better adapted to intense drought than tall fescue by better exploitation of the available water. The water use efficiency of tall wheatgrass was significantly higher than that of tall fescue. Up to 7.2 g DM were produced by tall wheatgrass per litre of water, whereas tall fescue did not gain more than 5.4 g DM of over-ground biomass under severe drought. Depending on the cultivar, tall wheatgrass as well as tall fescue could use full water availability and gain high biomass yields. In contrast, tall wheatgrass achieved higher biomass yields than tall fescue in the period of resilience after severe drought. A field trial was conducted to prove the hypotheses of higher biomass yields in Central Europe by reduced cutting height and adapted cutting-frequency compared to the commonly used harvest management on farms. Therefore, the effect of seed provenance (4 provenances), cutting frequency (1, 2, 4 cuts per year) and cutting height (5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm) were tested. Across two harvest years, the biomass yield increased under deeper defoliation (5 – 10 cm) compared to the typically chosen cutting height (15 cm) on the farms. In contrast, the specific methane content decreased significantly by clipping closer to the ground (1.4%).Thereby, the growth stage and maturity at single harvests were more important for the specific methane content than the cutting height. Hence, the one-cut system was unsuitable for biogas fermentation. The highest methane yields were attained under two annual harvests, where dry matter yields reached up to 21.3 t DM/ha, even though specific methane content was higher under more frequent harvests. As shown by the field trial, a reduced clipping height is suitable for biogas production. Increasing biomass and methane yields improves the profitability of tall wheatgrass. In summary, the relative drought-tolerant crop, tall wheatgrass, allows stabilisation of the biogas substrate yields in low-precipitation regions and in areas with risk of intense drought periods. Under the terms of predicted climate change in Central Europe, the relative excellence of cultivating tall wheatgrass will increase. The study has shown that optimising the cutting management increases the yield performance of tall wheatgrass and improves the competitiveness with other energy crops. Hence, a serious alternative to maize has been found that should be developed further. More insight is needed into cultivar-specific differences in germination, drought tolerance, and capability of gaining high and constant yields to determine the best-suited cultivar for different sites. Furthermore, planting the permanent crop, tall wheatgrass, is considered to mitigate nitrate leaching into the ground water, contribute to water pollution control, and upgrade agricultural biodiversity. This potential should be under consideration in further research.
Keywords: Tall Wheatgrass; Biogas; Germination; Drought resistance; Harvest