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Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Attention: A Complex System 

      Helmer, Markus (2015-12-21)
      Experiments have elucidated the neuronal correlates of attention in the primate brain, and have led to a number of models capturing various aspects of these experiments. However, these model propose qualitatively different ...
    • Cyclic Dynamics of Spatially Heterogeneous Populations - From Biodiversity to Disease Prevalence 

      Lamouroux, David (2013-01-31)
      Cyclic dynamics and spatial heterogeneity are pivotal aspects both of ecological populations in which species compete cyclically for dominance as well as of epidemiological populations in which diseases elicit life-long ...
    • Internal representations of time and motion 

      Haß, Joachim (2011-05-03)
      The way how humans perceive the passage of time is one of the greatest mysteries both in neuroscience and psychology. Compared to other perceptual quantities, relatively little is known ...