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Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Characterization of Novel Proteins Modulating the Nanoscale Organization of the Membrane-Associated Periodic Skeleton in Neurons 

      Macarrón Palacios, Victor (2024-09-19)
      The Membrane-associated Periodic Skeleton (MPS) is a lattice located underneath the neuronal plasma membrane, characterized by a distinctive ~190 nm periodic architecture imposed by the nanoscale arrangement of its main ...
    • Quantitative Nanoscopy of Synaptic Sites 

      Gürth, Clara-Marie (2023-08-23)
      Synapses are the basic information processing unit of the brain. Neuronal activity and memory formation thereby require a vastly dynamic and rapidly changing synaptic environment and composition. In order to function, these ...
    • Quantitative Multicolour Nanoscopy for the Investigation of the Postsynaptic Actin Cytoskeleton 

      Cereceda Delgado, Angel Rafael (2023-08-16)
      Cognitive processes like the formation of memory and learning originate in the correct functioning of synapses. Dendritic spines are highly plastic, specialised actin-rich structures harbouring the postsynaptic site in ...
    • STED nanoscopy of synaptic substructures in living mice 

      Masch, Jennifer-Magdalena (2018-06-20)
      Optical nanoscopy has revolutionized far-field microscopy, enabling the observation of subcellular structures and dynamics from completely new perspectives. Among other fields, neuroscience benefits greatly from the ...
    • STED Microscopy of FRET Pairs 

      Loidolt-Krüger, Maria (2018-05-18)
      Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a popular tool in life sciences, for example to detect protein-protein interactions and ligand binding, or to construct fluorescent biosensors for metabolites or ions. Obtaining ...
    • RESOLFT nanoscopy with water-soluble synthetic fluorophores 

      Alt, Philipp Johannes (2018-01-17)
      Fluorescence microscopy is an important and widely used tool in the life sciences due to its unique ability to observe cellular processes in living specimens with target-specific image contrast. The development of high ...
    • Stochastic modeling of photoswitchable fluorophores for quantitative superresolution microscopy 

      Frahm, Lars (2017-04-13)
      The diffraction limit of optical microscopy can be overcome by switching fluorophores between on- and off-states. In the on-state, the fluorophores emit fluorescence and can be detected. In the off-state, they remain dark. ...
    • STED Microscopy with Scanning Fields Below the Diffraction Limit 

      Göttfert, Fabian (2016-11-17)
      Since its development, STED microscopy has been used extensively for imaging biological samples. To label structures of interest, fluorescent proteins and organic dyes are used almost exclusively. However, these labels ...
    • Nanoscopy inside living brain slices 

      Urban, Nicolai Thomas (2014-10-30)
      In order to understand how memory is processed and stored in the brain, it would be helpful to observe the ongoing memory processes in action. This is no easy task, however, if it is to be done at the synaptic level. It ...
    • On the mechanisms governing plasma membrane organization - a STED-FCS investigation 

      Machado Andrade, Débora (2014-06-04)
      The plasma membrane is the barrier which localizes and separates life's processes from their external environment. Long described as a free standing two-dimensional fluid mosaic, the organization of the plasma ...
    • STED nanoscopy of the living brain 

      Berning, Sebastian (2012-05-03)
      Over the past decade, a new class of fluorescence microscopes has evolved which thoroughly break the diffraction limit of classical far-field light microscopy and thus provide significantly improved spatial resolution. ...