Browsing GGNB - Göttinger Graduiertenzentrum für Neurowissenschaften, Biophysik und molekulare Biowissenschaften by Referee "Wouters, Fred Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Characterization of Novel Proteins Modulating the Nanoscale Organization of the Membrane-Associated Periodic Skeleton in Neurons
(2024-09-19)The Membrane-associated Periodic Skeleton (MPS) is a lattice located underneath the neuronal plasma membrane, characterized by a distinctive ~190 nm periodic architecture imposed by the nanoscale arrangement of its main ... -
N-truncated Aβ4-x peptides in Alzheimer's disease: generation, degradation, and relationship with neuropathological hallmarks
(2021-12-20)Amyloid pathology in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by a heterogeneity of amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) variants. The N-terminally truncated Aβ4-42 peptides are among the most abundant species and were reported having ... -
Single Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging: Advanced Methods and Applications in Life Sciences
(2021-06-03)The visualization of biological structures down to the molecular length scale has been recently made possible by the development of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy. These techniques now routinely resolve biological ... -
Advances in enhanced multi-plane 3D imaging and image scanning microscopy
(2021-01-07)High-speed 3D optical microscopy is an indispensable requirement in studying rapid processes like signaling in neuronal networks, flagellar motion, or complex motion of living and highly dynamic subcellular components. ... -
Molecular DNA Sensors to Measure Distribution of Cytoskeletal Forces
(2020-08-24)Actin, a major cytoskeletal biopolymer in eukaryotic cells, is crosslinked into networks of filaments and bundles. These networks are largely responsible for the maintenance of cellular shape, rigidity, and mechanical ... -
Molecular Mechanisms of Germ Plasm Anchoring in the Early Zebrafish Embryo
(2020-08-14)Zebrafish germline is specified early during embryogenesis by inherited maternal RNAs and proteins called germ plasm. Only those cells containing germ plasm will become part of the germline, whereas other cells will ... -
Extending Resolution in All Directions: Image Scanning Microscopy and Metal-induced Energy Transfer
(2019-03-18)Fluorescence microscopy is a powerful tool in the life sciences and is used to study structure and function on length scales from cells down to single molecules. In recent years, fluorescence microscopy has seen enormous ... -
Orientation and organization of the presynaptic active zone protein Bassoon: from the Golgi to the synapse
(2016-08-30)Neurotransmitter release sites at the presynaptic terminus membrane, known as the active zones (AZs), are surrounded by synaptic vesicle pools and a dense network of five cytomatrix of the active zone (CAZ) proteins. At ... -
Stochastic Optical Fluctuation Imaging - Labels and Applications
(2015-05-26)Superresolution fluorescence imaging is an important tool for studying subcellular structures and processes. A technique with great potential is stochastic optical fluctuation imaging (SOFI), a fluorescence imaging modality ... -
Identification of a septin filament required for CNS myelin integrity
(2014-04-14)Axonal integrity and longevity require functionally intact myelin, as demonstrated by the deletion of myelin-specific genes in mice. To identify molecules that contribute to the structural organization of CNS myelin, its ... -
Live imaging of autoimmune responses in distinct milieus of the central nervous system
(2013-08-28)Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Even though it is considered to be a classical demyelinating disease, an increasing body of evidence also demonstrates ... -
The 5XFAD mouse model: a tool for genetic modulation of Alzheime's disease pathology
(2012-01-25)AD mouse models contributed widely to our understanding of the pathophysiology of AD and represent invaluable tools in testing potential therapeutic interventions. In the present study, ... -
Regulation des intrazellulären Transports durch UNC-50 und die GARP-Komplexes in C. elegans
(2010-12-02)Fast synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) in C. elegans is mediated by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which activates ligand-gated ion channels of the nicotinic ... -
Molecular Sizing using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
(2010-11-04)Size is one of the basic characteristics of any object and especially of molecules. It is directly and independently of other properties related to fundamental physical phenomena, like ... -
Huntingtin toxicity is ameliorated by BAG1 through modulation of its aggregation, degradation and subcellular distribution
(2009-02-23)Huntington s disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder resulting from an expansion of a polyglutamine stretch in a ubiquitously expressed protein called huntingtin. Intraneuronal ...