Browse by type "masterThesis"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
The Link Between Large Scale Land Acquisition and Fertility
(2024-02-05)This paper provides the first large-scale quantitative analysis that sheds light on the previously unexplored relationship between fertility and large-scale land investment on the African continent. Therefore, a ... -
Probleme aus Sicht von Lehrkräften im Fach Gesellschaftslehre – eine quantitative Untersuchung
(2020-05-29)It was the purpose of this master’s thesis to gain insight into the problems of the interdisciplinary subject Social Studies at Integrated Comprehensive Schools from the teachers’ point of view. For this purpose, an ... -
Attribution of Copyright to Artificial Intelligence Generated Works
(2019-08-29)The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the rapid development of its creative abilities, pose the necessary question about of to whom the copyright of these creations is guaranteed should be granted. AI's stand-alone ... -
Trans* und Elternschaft Wie trans* Eltern normative Vorstellungen von Familie und Geschlecht verhandeln
(2018-11-21)In my thesis I analysed how trans* parents, who had their "coming out" after child birth, negotiate normative concepts of family and gender. It is a quality research on the base of four biographic-narrative interviews. ... -
Learning by Communicating: Handlungsorientierung im Chinesischunterricht - eine Schülerperspektive
(2018-06-27)The action-oriented approach to teaching is a method that links both knowledge and action. Following the concepts of learning by doing or rather a learning by communicating, students apply and practice their language skills ... -
Determinanten der Einstellung zu Studienbeiträgen – Ergebnisse von Online-Umfragen unter Studierenden
(2016-08-29)In this thesis the question arose which determinants affect the attitude towards tuition fees. Two approaches within the Social Sciences can explain attitudes in general: the economic approach and the ideological approach. ... -
Cultural Property und Cultural Heritage. Eine ethnologische Analyse internationaler Konzeptionen im Vergleich
(2007-09-25)The following thesis deals with the conceptional change from cultural property to cultural heritage within the UNESCO. The draft of cultural property was first established through the UNESCO ... -
Concepts on How to Help Prevent or Solve Conflicts in Africa. The Case of the Cameroon-Nigerian Border Conflict
(2007-02-19)The aim is this study is to come up with new proposals as to how to solve or prevent conflicts in Africa. The focus is on border conflicts and more specifically on the Cameroon-Nigeria ...