Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Ehrenreich, Hannelore Prof. Dr. Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Safety and first promising results of a long-term human hypoxia protocol with uniquely comprehensive monitoring
(2024-12-19)Human cells can adapt to reduced oxygen (O2) conditions and impaired metabolism. Therefore, hypoxia evolves to be a critical physiological driver for improved performance. A demand-driven reduced oxygen availability occurring ... -
Geruchswahrnehmung und -interpretation schizophrener PatientInnen: Evaluation im Rahmen einer multizentrischen Querschnittserhebung
(2018-07-24)Background: Although there has been interest in different aspects of olfactory dysfunction in schizophrenia, there has not been research in large samples of schizophrenia patients. Methods: As part of the comprehensive ... -
Einfluss von Anti-NMDA-Rezeptor-NR1-Autoantikörpern bei ApoE4-bedingter chronischer Beeinträchtigung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke
(2018-07-18)Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor subunit 1 autoantibodies (NMDAR-NR1-AB) have mainly been described in context of central nervous system (CNS) pathologies. In contrast, recent studies reported high seroprevalence of ... -
Assoziation von Höhe der antipsychotischen Medikation über die Zeit mit Kognition unter Berücksichtigung des Geschlechts
(2012-06-04)Background: Available anti-psychotic drugs failed to show a positive effect on cognitive impairment, a core symptom of schizophrenic patients. Prescribing anti-psychotics is an essential part of patient treatment. Over the ... -
Untersuchungen zu den Beziehungen von Kognition und klinischer Symptomatik zu sozialem Funktionsniveau innerhalb einer großen Schizophrenie-Stichprobe
(2011-02-25)Background: Cognitive Impairment is a core symptom of schizophrenia. It is ubiquitous, stable and has devastating impact on outcome, especially on normal social life. Smaller studies ... -
Cannabinoidrezeptor CB1 und Endothelin-B-Rezeptor: Interaktion im Hippokampus
(2008-05-09)Cell membrane standing receptors are known to mediate antiapoptotic signalling in the brain of juvenile rats. This thesis illuminates the interaction between two cell membrane standing receptors CB1 and ET-B in the brain ...