Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Liersch, Torsten Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
5-Fluorouracil-Spiegelbestimmung unter neoadjuvanter Radiochemotherapie und adjuvanter Chemotherapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom
(2015-05-06)5-fluoruracil (5-FU) still remains the backbone of chemotherapy in colorectal cancer and effects as a radiosensitizer for radiotherapy. During the last decades several clinical trials have demonstrated that neoadjuvant ... -
Chirurgie des Rektumkarzinoms - Peri- und postoperative Qualitätskontrolle mit Beurteilung klinikopathologischer Risikofaktoren nach präoperativer Multimodaltherapie vs. primärer OP in IIT-Studien
(2023-06-27)Purpose: To evaluate diverse clinicopathological risk factors and peri-/postoperative quality control in specimens after total (TME) or partial (PME) mesorectal excision in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer ... -
Chirurgisch-onkologische Ergebnisse bei fortgeschrittenen Adenokarzinomen (cUICC-II/-III) des Rektums
(2022-05-18)Preoperative 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-based chemoradiotherapy (CRT +/- oxaliplatin; OX) for locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the rectum (LARC; clinically staged as stages II and III) is expected to improve resectability, ... -
Chirurgische Therapie des (lokal) fortgeschrittenen Adenokarzinoms im oberen Rektum – erste Ergebnisse aus der multizentrischen GAST-05-Phase IIb-Studie
(2023-08-01)The prospective, randomized, multicenter GAST-05 phase-IIb study (ISRCTN 35198481), funded by the German research Foundation, was designed to clarify whether partial mesorectal excision (PME, with a distal cancer-free ... -
Die Expression von SRC vor und nach neoadjuvanter Radiochemotherapie im lokal fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom cUICC II/III.
(2016-01-12)Purpose: SRC, one of the oldest proto-oncogenes, is encoding for the tyrosine kinase of the same name. The protein, which is localized in the cytosol as well as in the cell membrane, is involved in cell proliferation and ... -
Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie-Diagnostik beim fortgeschrittenen Rektumkarzinom (UICC II bis IV) vor und nach neoadjuvanter Radio-/Chemotherapie - Stellenwert aus chirurgischer Sicht
(2018-07-31)Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in advanced rectal cancer (UICC stages II to IV) before and after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy – its significance from the surgical point of view. Hasibullah Habibi Abstract Background: ... -
Oxaliplatin in der perioperativen, multimodalen Behandlung (präoperative Chemoradiotherapie, TME-Chirurgie und postoperative Chemotherapie) des Rektumkarzinoms – eine monozentrische Analyse –
(2021-02-10)Due to conflicting study results, the use of oxaliplatin (OX) in perioperative multimodal treatment (MMT) for locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the rectum (LARC; clinically staged as cUICC stages II or III) is not recommended ... -
Staging-Prozeduren (MRT, CT und rES) beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Adenokarzinom des oberen Rektums (≥ 12 cm ab ACL) - erste Ergebnisse aus der GAST-05-Phase-IIb-Studie
(2022-05-30)Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become well established in the staging of advanced adenocarcinomas of the rectum (stages ≥ UICC-II; aboral tumor margin < 12 cm from ACL) alongside rectal endosonography (rES) ... -
Stellenwert der postoperativen FOLFOX-CTx beim primär operierten pUICC-II/-III-Karzinom des oberen Rektums – erste Ergebnisse aus der GAST-05-Studie
This inaugural dissertation is a contribution to the ongoing debate about optimal surgery (TME vs. PME) and adjuvant therapy (± 5-FU vs FOLFOX CTx) for patients with locally advanced adenocarcinomas (LARC, ... -
Totale neoadjuvante Therapie des Rektumkarzinoms – Sicherheit, Durchführbarkeit und Wirksamkeit – (Langzeit-) Ergebnisse eines monozentrischen Patientenkollektivs
(2024-08-16)The aim of the present thesis was to evaluate safety, feasibility and efficacy of a total neoadjuvant therapy (TNT) for patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC; cUICC stages II - IV; mid and lower rectum; lower ... -
Wiederholte Anti-CEA-Radioimmuntherapie mit 131I-Labetuzumab nach Resektion kolorektaler Lebermetastasen - Ergebnisse einer monozentrischen Phase I/II-Studie
(2018-03-19)Background: A previous phase-I/-II trial has shown that a single administration of anti-CEA 131iodine(I)-Labetuzumab as a radioimmunotherapy (RAIT) after resection of colorectal liver metastases (CRC-LM) was well-tolerated ...