Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Loertzer, Hagen PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Die Zytokine IL-6 und IL-8 und deren Wert in der Analyse einer Infektion von Lymphozelen
(2012-06-11)In terms of both improved operative techniques and surgical approaches of kidney transplantations, radical prostatectomies as well as lymphadenectomies, achieved during the last century, there have also been new ... -
Einsatz von alloplastischem Material bei der Korrektur der weiblichen Beckenbodendefekte - Auswertung der Daten der urologischen Klinik der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Anlehnung an aktuelle Literaturdaten
(2012-03-02)Objective of this study was the presentation and evaluation of various surgical techniques in the context of therapeutic incontinence and prolapse surgery. Presented are short-term results ... -
Analyse der Ergebnisse und Komplikationen der ureterorenoskopischen Steintherapie von 1998 bis 2008 unter Berücksichtigung des verwendeten Instrumentariums sowie der Steincharakteristika
(2011-07-13)BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Urolithiasis is a common disease. The success of stone treatment depends considerably on the method of stone removal. Therefore, good knowledge of the most relevant ... -
Botulinumtoxin-Typ A - eine Therapieoption bei überaktiven und nicht-neurogenen Blasenentleerungsstörungen (retrospektive Datenanalyse)
(2009-11-11)Objectives: Since the first therapeutic applications of botulinum toxin about 20 years ago, it has become an effective treatment for various indications including overactive and non-neurogenic detrusor overactivity. ...