Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Olthoff, Arno PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Intraorale Druckmessungen bei dysphagischen ALS-Patienten im Vergleich zu einem Normkollektiv
(2016-01-18)Apart from mechanical positive pressures (e.g. maximal tongue strength) negative atmospheric pressure gradients are given as intra-oral forces. Up to date clinical relevance of these forces is still indistinct. The aim of ... -
Zur Wertigkeit videostroboskopischer und lupenlaryngoskopischer Tonaufnahmen für die objektive Stimmanalyse
(2013-06-14)Objective voice analysis is of profound importance for daily phoniatric practices, for diagnostics and the therapy of dysphonia both. The Göttingen Hoarseness-diagram (GHD) is considered to be the ultimate benchmark. It ... -
Zur Verlässlichkeit hirnstammaudiometrischer Hörschwellenbestimmungen
(2012-08-08)At the beginning of 2009 a screening program for inherited hearing defects of new-borns has been established in Germany. Brainstem evoked response audiometry (BERA) is used as a confirmation test following an abnormal ... -
Funktionelle Ergebnisse nach indirekt laryngoskopischer Abtragung benigner Befunde der Stimmlippen in Oberflächenanästhesie
(2011-04-01)Hoarseness due to the effects of benign tumours of the vocal cords interferes with patients in their social environment. Indirect laryngoscopic surgery with topical anaesthesia has been ...