Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Raupach, Tobias Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Lernverhalten und Lernerfolg von Studierenden der Humanmedizin an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen während der Corona-Pandemie
(2024-06-25)Background: With the onset of the corona pandemic in March 2020, teaching at the University Medical Center Göttingen was significantly restructured and largely digitized. Digital replacement formats were designed, the ... -
Bedeutung von Elaboration und Kontrastierung von Falschantworten für die Entwicklung differentialdiagnostischer und -therapeutischer Entscheidungskompetenz im Medizinstudium
(2023-09-12)One of the main learning objectives during medical studies and training is the acquisition of clinial reasoning skills, enabling accurate diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making in clinical settings. A proven way to ... -
Effektivität eines innovativen und interaktiven Ausbildungskonzeptes zur Beratung rauchender Patienten in der Zahnmedizin
(2023-02-02)Smoking is one of the world's major health problems and dental professionals are in a unique position to promote smoking cessation. However, according to the current literature, neither dental students nor dentists feel ... -
Vergleich der SBA- und VSA-Frageformate in der zahnmedizinischen Lehre hinsichtlich des Schweregrades, der Trennschärfe und deren Akzeptanz
(2022-08-25)Single-Best-Answer (SBA) items are currently considered the most widely used assessment tool in medical teaching. However, the format is subject to criticism for encouraging superficial learning behaviour and presenting ... -
Entwicklung von klinischem Denken bei Medizinstudierenden im Laufe des klinischen Studienabschnittes
(2022-08-03)Background: Clinical reasoning is a medical core competence and is essential for precise diagnosis and therapy of patients. It is best practiced by repeatedly solving patient cases. In everyday clinical practice, due to ... -
Tabakentwöhnung als Ausbildungsziel im Medizinstudium
(2022-05-12)Smoking is associated with numerous diseases. The success rate of smoking cessation is enhanced by counselling; however, this is seldom carried out by physicians. A lack of training in undergraduate medical education was ... -
Effektivität videogestützter Key-Feature-Prüfungen beim Erwerb differentialdiagnostischer und -therapeutischer Kompetenzen im Medizinstudium
(2022-05-06)Clinical reasoning is an essential skill in undergraduate medical education. Key feature examinations can be used to facilitate the acquisition of this procedural knowledge. Furthermore, videos allow for increased authenticity ... -
Erprobung der Vorhersage-basierten Evaluationsmethode für das Instrument der Lernerfolgsevaluation
(2022-04-21)Background: Evaluations play an important role for teaching curricula. Therefore, student evaluations of teaching are often used to draw conclusions about teaching quality. In undergraduate medical education it is important ... -
Wie entwickelt sich der studentische Leistungsstand hinsichtlich des Examensniveaus während der Teilnahme an semesterbegleitenden formativen Prüfungen?
(2021-05-26)An innovative teaching project #clue (cross-linked undergraduate education) has been established in the clinical phase of the human medicine curriculum at the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG). Here, students in clinical ... -
Effektivität von Key-Feature-Prüfungen beim Erwerb der Kompetenz Clinical Reasoning in der medizinischen Ausbildung
(2020-08-07)Clinical reasoning is an essential skill, the foundations of which should be acquired during undergraduate medical education. Student performance in clinical reasoning can be assessed using key feature examinations. However, ... -
Veränderungen im autonomen Nervensystem während der Tabakentwöhnung - Mögliche Effekte pharmakologischer Interventionen
(2020-07-28)Considering the multiple negative effects that smoking has on individual and public health and the down to the present high relapse rates in smokers who want to quit smoking, we conducted a prospective clinical trial, that ... -
Lehrqualität in der universitären Medizin
(2019-05-08)Background: In undergraduate medical education, teaching quality needs to meet high standards because teaching represents a fundamental component in the training of future physicians. For this, student ratings of teaching ... -
Effektivität von Kleingruppenunterricht im Vergleich zu einer Computersimulation in einem ‚Blended learning‘- Szenario im Medizinstudium
(2019-04-23)BACKGROUND: Numerous serious games have been designed for undergraduate medical education, but few studies have assessed their effectiveness with regard to clinical reasoning. This study compared student learning outcome ... -
Einfluss verschiedener Lernanreize auf das Lernverhalten und die Prüfungsleistungen von Studierenden der Humanmedizin
(2016-12-19)Background: Electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation is an important clinical examination and skill that needs to be improved in undergraduate medical education. This study assessed the impact of summative assessment and ... -
Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher Aktivität und gesteigerter sympathischer Nervenaktivität bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung
(2015-06-09)Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major cause of comorbidity and mortality. Increased sympathetic nerve activity may contribute to severity of the disease. Objectives: The present study ...