Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Rohde, Veit Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Zerebrale Perfusion in der Akutphase nach aneurysmatischer Subarachnoidalblutung - Einsatz der CT-Perfusion für die Erfassung der frühen Hirnschädigung und der verzögerten zerebralen Ischämie
(2023-10-24)Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) is a devastating cerebrovascular disease associated with high morbidity and mortality due to early brain injury (EBI) and delayed complications like delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI). ... -
Retrospektiver und prospektiver Vergleich der klinischen Performance des CertasPlus- mit dem proGAV 2.0-Shuntventil zur Behandlung von Hydrocephalus-Patienten
(2023-09-25)Implantation of a vp-shunt represents the current standard of care in hydrocephalus patients. Both combination valves implanted in this study contain a proprietary differential pressure valve, which is combined with a ... -
Retrospektive Analyse der kumulativen Strahlendosis von Patienten nach primärer Cerebralshunt-Implantation
(2022-10-07)Cerebral shunts are established devices in the treatment of hydrocephalus and pseudotumor cerebri. Radiological imaging is not only necessary in pre- and post-operative diagnostics but also when complications occur. These ... -
A combination of repurposed drugs reduces the proliferation and viability of glioblastoma cells
(2021-10-01)Background: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a malignant primary brain tumour with high rates of recurrence. The tumour is characterized by high molecular diversity. A strategy to simultaneously target different oncogenic ... -
In-vitro Performance verschiedener Kombinationen von verstellbaren Differenzdruckventilen mit fixen Anti-Siphon-Devices unter Berücksichtigung der räumlichen Position
(2021-08-02)Programmable differential pressure valves (DPV) in combination with a fixed anti-siphon device (ASD) represent the present standard of care in preemtping overdrainage associated with ventriculoperitoneal shunting for ... -
Die Rolle von Arlts1 im Glioblastoma multiforme
(2020-06-18)Determination of specific Glioblastoma (GBM) biomarkers could be beneficial in developing new therapeutics, monitoring the response to therapy or for early detection of recurrence. Downregulation and tumor suppressor effect ... -
Gibt es Parameter, die den Erfolg einer Minibohrlochtrepanation eines chronischen Subduralhämatoms vorhersagen?
(2019-01-29)The necessary extent of the surgical therapy of a chronic subdural hematoma is still being discussed controversially in literature. There is a large number of studies about possible surgical procedures. The presented study ... -
Peritumorale Hirnödeme bei intrakraniellen Meningeomen: Einfluss von Alter, Geschlecht, Tumorgröße, Tumorlokalisation und histologischem Subtyp
(2017-11-29)Whilst meningiomas have been subject of extensive prior research, this publication examines the genesis mechanism of peritumoral edema by quantifying the influence of age, sex, tumor size, tumor location, and histological ... -
Die Bedeutung der Hedgehog- Signalkaskade in der Tumorgenese von spinalen und kraniellen Chordomen
(2017-07-13)Chordoma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the bones of the skull base and spine, arising from remnants of embryonic notochord. Although they are slow growing, chordomas are highly recurrent, locally invasive and ... -
HDAC inhibitor valproic acid increases CRABP2 expression and in combination with retinoic acid synergistically inhibits proliferation in glioblastoma cells
(2016-12-12)Background: Although integrated treatments were implemented, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) remains one of the most lethal primary brain tumors. The cellular retinoic acid–binding protein 2 (CRABP2) plays a crucial role, ... -
Das Spätödem, induziert durch gewebeständigen Plasminogenaktivator bei Lyse einer tierexperimentellen intrazerebralen Blutung, wird durch die Gabe von Plasminogenaktivatorinhibitor 1 vermindert
(2012-08-08)Hematoma puncture and subsequent clot lysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) emerged as an alternative therapy for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and is associated with delayed edema possibly ... -
Dynamische transpedikuläre Verschraubung der Lendenwirbelsäule am Beispiel des Bricon DSS-Systems. Klinische und radiologische Ein-Jahres-Ergebnisse
(2010-03-09)In the present prospective study for applicability and for the clinical and radiological results of dynamic transpedicular fusions systems, taking the Bricon DSS as an example, 120 patients were monitored over a period ...