Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Advisor "Ziebolz, Dirk PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Dentaler und parodontaler Mundgesundheitszustand von Blutspendern in der Transfusionsmedizin: Ergebnisse einer klinischen Querschnittstudie
(2019-06-04)Aim: The aim of this clinical cross-sectional study was to evaluate the oral health status and behavior of blood donors. In addition, it was investigated whether an association between the local infection periodontitis and ... -
Mundgesundheitssituation dialysepflichtiger Patienten mit und ohne Diabetes mellitus - Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen klinischen Querschnittsstudie
(2018-04-04)Purpose of this part of the clinical cross-sectional study was to determine and compare the oral health, degree of education and the oral health related quality of life of diabetes mellitus patients (DM) in dialysis therapy ... -
Klinisch-empirische Querschnittsstudie zur Mundgesundheit, mundgesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität und zum Ernährungszustand von ambulanten und stationären pflegebedürftigen Senioren im Landkreis Schwäbisch Hall
(2018-02-26)The aim of this study was to ascertain the oral health, the oral health-related quality of life and the nutritional status of senior citizens in need of care (outpatient and stationary care). In total, 151 senior citizens ... -
Chairside-Nachweis aktivierter Matrixmetalloproteinase-8 (aMMP-8) sowie Detektion potenziell parodontalpathogener Bakterien zur parodontalen Risikoeinschätzung in der Blutspende
(2017-12-06)The aim of this clinical cross-sectional study was to find out whether an aMMP-8 point-of-care test is adequate for chairside identification of periodontally diseased patients by the transfusion medic. Furthermore it was ... -
In-vitro-Studie zum Einfluss verschiedener Immunsuppressiva auf Gesamt- und Lebendzellzahl, Zelldurchmesser und Menge an Prokollagen Typ I gingivaler Fibroblasten
(2017-06-07)Due to the decreasing number of organ transplants, their tolerability gains greater significance for affected patients. Therefore, these patients are permanently depended on taking immunosuppressive drugs, which have ... -
Ausbildungs- und Kenntnisstand sowie Maßnahmen oraler Prävention in stationären und ambulanten Pflegeeinrichtungen in der Region Göttingen
(2017-04-04)This paper's objective was the investigation of institutions in Göttingen in ambulant and stationary care concerning the present educational level of the nursing staff in the topic of oral prevention measures. First of ... -
Untersuchung zum Zusammenhang zwischen parodontaler Gesundheit sowie Anzahl der Restbezahnung und LBP (big42), CD14 und CD68 am humanen Ventrikelmyokard
(2017-02-24)The aim of this study was to detect coherence between the severity of both periodontal disease as well as the amount of missing teeth and the expression of different markers of inflammation, such as CD68, CD14 and LBP ... -
Mundgesundheitszustand und zahnärztlicher Behandlungsbedarf von Kindern unter ambulanter zahnärztlicher Narkosesanierung
(2016-10-25)The objective of this study was to obtain information on the the state of oral health as well as the need of dental treatment of children which were treated between the first of January 2002 and the 31th December of 2011 ... -
Parodontalzustand, parodontale Bakterienlast sowie pH-Wert und Pufferkapazität des Speichels bei dialysepflichtigen Patienten mit und ohne diabetisches Syndrom – Eine klinische Querschnittsstudie
(2016-10-19)Aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the periodontal situation and periodontal microbiological findings of hemodialysis patients (HD) with or without diabetes mellitus. 159 Hemodialysis patients were included and ... -
Etablierung eines 3D-Tissue-Engineering-Modells zur Bindegewebsherstellung
(2015-08-28)Target: Tissue engineering is a biomedical technology, which has the potential to both repair damaged tissue and to create tissues de novo. There are various different complex methods, which have been previously described ... -
Mikrobiologische Diagnostik bei periimplantären Erkrankungen – ein Vergleich von PCR und Real-time PCR
(2015-04-17)With the increasing number of dental implants, peri-implant diseases are coming to the fore. By the introduction of commercial microbiological testing in periodontal di-seases the expectation of a diagnostic benefit was ... -
Klinische Querschnittstudie zur möglichen Assoziation rheumatoider Arthritis und parodontaler Gesundheit - Ein Vergleich zwischen Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis und allgemein Gesunden
(2015-03-09)The objective of this clinical cross-sectional study was to analyse rheumatoid arthritis patients (RA) in regard to their periodontal healthiness and compare it with healthy, non rheumatoid arthritis patients. Diagnosed ... -
Technische und biologische Komplikationen von einteiligen Zirkonoxidaufbauten und Vollkeramikkronen auf Einzelzahnimplantaten: 5-Jahresergebnisse einer retrospektiven klinischen Studie
(2014-08-14)This retrospective study evaluates the clinical outcomes of prefabricated one-piece zirconia abutments and all ceramic crowns in the anterior region over an observation period of five to seven years with closer examination ... -
Klinische Studie zur Überprüfung der Effektivität verschiedener Zahnbürsten im Rahmen der Initialbehandlung parodontal erkrankter Patienten
(2014-04-25)Clinical study to verify the effectiveness of different toothbrushes in the context of the initial treatment of patients diseased with periodontitis Background: Periodontitis is a phlogistic disease of the whole ... -
Die Wirkung von antiseptischen alkoholfreien Chlorhexidin-Mundspüllösungen auf den Stoffwechsel humaner Gingivafibroblasten
(2014-03-10)The aim of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of two non-alcoholic chlorhexidine mouthwashes on fibroblasts of human oral mucosa as a function of time of exposure, CHX concentration and the measured time ... -
Randschlussuntersuchung von Kompositfüllungen unter Einfluss von Brauchwasserdesinfektionsmitteln zahnärztlicher Behandlungseinheiten
(2013-11-29)The border seal of resin composite fillings under the influence of disinfectants was investigated after dye penetration with methylene blue. One hundred and sixty human molars were divided in four different groups of ... -
Die Effektivität von fluoridierten Gelen und Pasten zur Kariesprävention – eine in-vitro-Untersuchung an humanem Schmelz in einem biologischen Kariesmodell
(2013-10-01)The aim of this study was to establish a simple and reliable biological in-vitro-caries model and furthermore to examine different caries preventive products for the effectiveness.For this 65 enamel specimens were produced ... -
Untersuchung zur Effektivität verschiedener Dekontaminationsmetho-den bei Handzahnbürsten unterschiedlicher Borstenhärte - Eine In-vitro-Studie anhand Monobiofilmen von Streptococcus mutans und Staphylococcus aureus
(2013-07-18)Manual toothbrushes applies for centuries as the instrument for mechanical cleaning of teeth. They are daily in contact with the oral flora and thus potential carrier of various pathogenic microorganisms. We contaminated ... -
Eine retrospektive Untersuchung zum Behandlungserfolg von Recallpatienten, die im parodontologischen Behandlungskurs von Studierenden betreut wurden
(2013-07-02)Aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) in patients treated by dental students over an observation period of at least five years. 161 patients who had received non-surgical ... -
In- vitro- Untersuchung der Effektivität verschiedener Lacke zur Prävention von White- Spot- Läsionen im Rahmen kieferorthopädischer Behandlungen
(2013-04-22)The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of two fluoride containing sealants and a chlorhexidine and thymol containing varnish to prevent white spot lesions in a biological caries model in vitro. 65 enamel ...