Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Hoffmann, Daniel PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Die Auswirkung vom 5- Lipoxygenaseinhibitor Zileuton auf osteoporotische Wirbelkörper im Rattenmodell
(2023-04-11)According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis is one of the ten most common diseases in postmenopausal women over the age of 50. In addition to the lack of estrogen in the postmenopause, the influence of the ... -
Psychosoziale Auswirkungen nach konservativer oder operativer Versorgung von Knochenfrakturen im Kindes- und Jugendalter
(2022-11-28)In the 70s and 80s of the last century, fractures in children and adolescents were treated approximately 90% conservatively and 10% surgically. Due to improvements in anesthesia and surgical methods, surgical therapy has ... -
Osteoporose bei systemischer Mastozytose: Eine Kohortenstude mit 43 Patienten
Mastocytosis is a group of rare diseases with a clonal proliferation of mast cells in one or more organs. Systemic mastocytosis has been described as the second most frequent cause of secondary osteoporosis ... -
Auswirkungen einer Therapie mit dem nicht-steroidalen Androgenrezeptormodulator Ligandrol auf die Skelettmuskulatur im ovarektomierten Rattenmodell
(2022-09-15)Sarcopenia denotes a syndrome that is characterized by a progressive loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength and is associated with unfavourable outcomes including death. This generalized form of skeletal muscle atrophy ... -
Wirkung von Ostarine – ein selektiver Androgenrezeptormodulator (SARM) – auf das osteoporotische Femur der orchiektomierten Ratte
(2022-06-17)In this work, the drug ostarine, a selective androgen receptor modulator, was examined for its effectiveness in treating the osteoporotic femur of an orchiectomized rat. In the proximal femur, Testosteron Therapy improved ... -
Analyse der RANKL-Inhibition durch Virus-like Partikel vermittelte RNA-Interferenz im Osteoporose-Modell der Ratte
(2022-04-14)Postmenopausal osteoporosis is an underestimated, widespread disease. Due to demographic trends, the prevalence of osteoporosis will further increase in the next decades.The treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis is still ... -
Vordere Kreuzbandplastik: Riskiert der Operateur beim Wechsel von Single-Bundle- auf Double-Bundle-Technik zunächst schlechtere klinische Ergebnisse im Rahmen der Lernkurve?
(2022-03-28)Background: Anatomical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) using the double-bundle (DB) technique is becoming increasingly popular. Despite its proved biomechanical and anatomical superiority, clinical ... -
Frakturrisikoevaluation mithilfe verschiedener nationaler und internationaler Risikoscores bei Frauen
(2021-11-02)In the management of osteoporosis the determination of fracture risk is essential for the indication of a specific antiosteoporotic treatment. Within Europe different scores are used for fracture risk prediction. We used ...