Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Nitsche, Michael Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Kalziumabhängige Effekte nikotinerger Modulation LTD-ähnlicher Neuroplastizität im Menschen mittels kathodaler tDCS
(2022-12-05)Nicotine modulates neuroplasticity and cognitive processes through neurotransmitter systems and changes in neuronal calcium concentrations. Nicotine administration attenuates plasticity changes induced by noninvasive brain ... -
The effect of apomorphine on anodal tDCS-induced cortical plasticity in the human motor cortex
(2018-11-05)The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of apomorphine on non-focal anodal tDCS-induced plasticity and thus further examine the influence of the dopaminergic system on motor cortex plasticity in humans. In a randomized ... -
Untersuchung der LTP-artigen Plastizität über dem linken M1 nach anodaler tDCS bei Patienten mit einer Schizophrenie
(2015-08-21)Context: Neural and cortical plasticity involves the reorganization of synaptic connections and represent the brain`s ability to reorganize its functions in response to external stimuli. Long-term potentiation is one ... -
Nikotinerger Einfluss auf die durch gepaarte assoziative Stimulation ausgelöste fokale inhibitorische Neuroplastizität bei Rauchern und Nichtrauchern
(2014-01-17)Nicotine is considered to be the component in cigarette smoke responsible for its addictive properties. Furthermore nicotine has an impact on the induction of long-lasting cortical excitability alterations, also referred ... -
Die Wirkung der EKT bei pharmakoresistenten affektiven und schizophreniformen Störungen
(2013-10-10)In this work is displayed the retrospective analysis of 50 courses of ECT consisting of 427 ECT units, carried out in a period of one year in the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of Universitätsmedizin Göttingen. ... -
Neuroplastische Effekte repetitiver anodaler transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation des motorische Kortex
(2013-01-23)Aim of the study was to investigate the effects of repeated anodal tDCS on the human motor-cortex. tDCS is a non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, which is able to produce neuroplasticity changes in humans. So far ... -
Evaluation des Patientenbetreuungsprogramms BETAPLUS® zur begleitenden Unterstützung der Therapie mit Betaferon® (Interferon beta-1b)
(2012-08-13)The neurodegenerative autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). When myelin sheaths of the nerve axons are offended, multiple demyelinating ... -
Ereignisbezogene Hirnpotentiale bei statischen und bewegten visuellen Reizen. Ein Vergleich von Jungen mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- Hyperaktivitätsstörung und deren gesunden Altersgenossen.
(2012-06-12)The research concerning attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), involving inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, increased in the last years. While solving tasks which require cognitive control processes, the ... -
Einfluss der transkraniellen Gleichstromstimulation auf die stimmungsabhängige Informationsverarbeitung bei gesunden Probanden
(2012-01-03)The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is involved in emotional processing and mood generation. Cellular hypoactivity in this area results in depressive symptoms. Using non-invasive tools ... -
Fehlerbezogene Hirnpotenziale bei Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS)
(2011-06-07)Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common and highly heritable child psychiatric disorder, which is characterized by age-inappropriate levels of hyperactivity, ... -
Die Kraft der Einbildung. Wie mentales Imagery die Wahrnehmung ängstlicher Gesichter verändert. Eine fMRT-Studie.
(2011-03-03)Our expectancies strongly shape our perception of the world. Sometimes preconceptions about stimulus characteristics can even bias the sensory system for illusory percepts. The present ... -
Kathodale transkranielle Gleichstromstimulation (tDCS) bei Gitarristen mit fokaler Dystonie
(2010-11-30)Musician s dystonia is a task-specific movement disorder with a painless loss of voluntary motor control. Very often it appears after intensified periods of instrumental practice. Defective ... -
Der Effekt des Alterns auf funktionelle Deaktivierung im somatosensorischen System
(2009-05-12)Background and Purpose: Tactile stimulation via peripheral electrical nerve stimulation results in a measurable activation of the somatosensory system in fMRI studies. In addition to positive ...