Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Virsik-Köpp, Patricia Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 126
Experimental study of the combined effect of irradiation, lovastatin, and monoclonal antibodies on tumour and normal tissue cell lines. Its genesis and mechanisms of action
(2014-09-30)Statins, as lipid-lowering agents, were described to possess an anti-cancer potential. For this reason, in vitro effect of combined treatment by lovastatin and irradiation was explored in order to find a radiosensitizing ... -
Eine Phantomstudie zur Strahlenexposition des Untersuchers bei Rotationsaquisitionen mit einer Flachdetektor-Angiographie-Anlage
(2014-07-21)In addition to the conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA), rotation angiographies and DYNA-CTs have been implemented particularly since the introduction of angiographic systems using flat-panel detector technology. ... -
Die Rolle der Beta-Sekretase bei der Myelinisierung im Zentralen Nervensystem
(2014-04-15)BACE1, the beta-secretase, plays a significant role in the formation of amyloid, a histopathological hallmark of Alzheimer's Disease. The physiological function of BACE1 remains unclear. Recent studies showed a role in ... -
Voraussetzungen für die Einführung neuer bildgebender Verfahren in bestehende Strukturen
(2014-04-07)For the last decades new imaging technologies were created and offer great advantages in the diagnosis and thus treatment of diseases. To fully use their potential the technology has to be integrated in the hospitals working ... -
Haltungsveränderungen bei SchülerInnen der 5. Klasse durch das Tragen von unterschiedlich schweren Schulranzen
(2014-03-11)The aim of this work was to answer the question if there are differences in the incidence of back pain and postural changes in students of 5th grade after the reduction of the weight of their school bags. The prospective ... -
Vergleich präklinischer Behandlungsoptionen der akzidentellen Hypothermie nach Einklemmungstrauma - Eine Probandensimulation
(2014-02-24)Every year over 62,000 people suffer severe injuries after a car accident in Germany alone. Both the personal traumatopathy for the patient and the economic costs are not inconsiderable. The Federal Statistical Office ... -
Verteilung und Funktion verschiedener Subtypen dendritischer Zellen bei Nierenzellkarzinomen
(2014-02-10)Background: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) represents one of the most immunoresponsive cancers. Antigen-specific vaccination with dendritic cells (DCs) in patients with metastatic RCC has been shown to induce cytotoxic ... -
Können cervicale Lymphknoten vorhersagen, ob eine Carotisplaque vulnerabel ist?
(2014-02-03)Introduction: In histological studies, patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis show characteristics of plaque vulnerability: a thin fibrous cap and a large lipid core. Inflammation is thought to contribute to rupture ... -
Regulation der Dual-leucine-zipper-kinase (DLK) durch "prädiabetische" Signale in endothelialen HUVEC-Zellen und die Bedeutung der DLK für die Angiogenese in einem Mausmodell
(2013-11-21)Diabetes mellitus and its serious effects on veins and arterys are a major problem in todays society. Important aspects of the disease are microangiopathy and macroangiopathy, which may lead to stroke or death. It is ... -
Neuroligin-4: Einfluss auf die synaptische Übertragung exzitatorischer Neurone der Schicht IV des Barrel-Kortex
(2013-11-19)Neuroligins (NL) are predominant postsynaptically localized transmembrane adhesion molecules that interact with the presynaptically localized protein neurexin. There are different NL-isoproteins (NL 1 – NL 4) that differ ... -
Imaging-Analyse dopaminerger Wirkungen am olfaktorischen Nerven von Xenopus-laevis-Larven
(2013-11-05)Previously it has been demonstrated that dopamine (DA) reduces odor-induced calcium (Ca2+) responses in olfactory receptor neurons in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. This thesis was undertaken to investigate on dopaminergic effects ... -
Endovaskulär interventionelles Notfallmanagement des akuten A. carotis-interna-Verschlusses
(2013-11-04)Untreated acute occlusion of the internal carotid artery (ICA) comes along with high morbidity and mortality. The incidence rate is about 6 per 100000 persons a year. While for treatment of ICA stenosis interventional stent ... -
Beeinflussung des Verlaufs von ZNS-Infektionen in immundefizienten Mäusen durch Immunstimulanzien
(2013-10-30)Escherichia coli is the leading cause of Gram-negative meningitis in infants and can also cause meningitis and meningoencephalitis in old and immunocompromised patients. In this doctoral thesis we studied the contribution ... -
Biomarker für Oxidativen Stress bei Entzündungsreaktionen: Bedeutung von Genpolymorphismen und Genexpression der NADPH-Oxidase unter pro- und anti-inflammatorischen Bedingungen
(2013-10-18)Background NADPH oxidases (NOX) comprise a multimeric enzyme system expressed in various types of cells and tissues. The most popular isoform is that in leucocytes termed NOX2 according to the big catalytic subunit and ... -
Effizienz niedrig- und hochkonzentrierter Fluoridpräparate zur Erosionsprophylaxe am humanen Schmelz
(2013-08-15)The purpose of the study was the assessment of the efficacy of low- or high-concentrated fluoride agents for the protection of the enamel surface against erosion, using the non-invasive method of quantitative light-induced ... -
Persistierende DNA-Schäden (Mikronuklei) und Spättoxizität nach multimodaler Radiochemotherapie bei Patienten mit lokal fortgeschrittenem Rektumkarzinom
(2013-08-05)In this thesis, 48 patients who underwent multimodality treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer in the context of the CAO/ARO/AIO-04-trial were investigated. Patients received neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) either ... -
Untersuchung zum Zusammenhang zwischen Herzinsuffizienz und chronischer Parodontitis mittels immunhistochemischem Nachweis der Makrophagenmarker CD68 und CD14
(2013-07-10)The aim of this study was to investigate whether periodontal microorganisms in the myocardium of the heart can be detected. The interaction of the toxins (lipopolysaccharides) was recorded on myocardial tissue and in this ... -
Die Bedeutung von Reelin beim Neuroblastom
(2013-07-05)Neurblastoma is a malignant tumor of early childhood. Its heterogeneity is reflected in its biological properties as well as clinical outcome. In this theses work, I have investigated the function of reelin, an extracellular ... -
Langzeiteffekte multimodaler Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der analgetischen Medikation
(2013-07-01)According to recent surveys in Germany, eleven million adults suffer from chronic pain. The treatment of patients and the prevention of chronicity is therefore an important challenge of our time. Multimodal treatment ... -
Lebensqualität pflegender Angehöriger in der Sterbephase von Krebspatienten: Vergleich zwischen einer Palliativstation und häuslicher Versorgung
(2013-06-06)Background: Not much is known about quality of life of caregivers of dying relatives in Germany. Methods: The survey was carried out at the palliative care unit of the Centre for Anaesthesiology, Emergency and Intensive ...