Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Wiese, Karl Günter Prof. Dr. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
Differenzierungspotenzial humaner primärer Parodontalligament-Zellen von Patienten mit gesundem Zahnhalteapparat
(2022-06-07)The fibrous apparatus of the human periodontium is subject to both structural aging processes and adaptation to functional loads and thus exhibits characteristics of a dynamic system. Structural studies of the parodontal ... -
Die distale Radiusfraktur - ein Überblick der Versorgungssituation
(2022-04-08)Introduction: The distal radius fracture is the most common fracture in humans, there are many different treatment options available, reaching from a conservative approach in a cast to open reduction and internal fixation. ... -
Dreidimensionale Analyse der kieferorthopädischen Dekompensation bei kombiniert kieferorthopädisch-kieferchirurgischer Therapie
(2022-03-16)Aim of the study: The aim of this study was the three-dimensional analysis of orthodontic incisor decompensation in combined orthodontic-surgical treatment. The preoperative decompensation implies the adjustment of the ... -
Der Effekt von Strontiumranelat auf lumbale Wirbelkörper osteopenischer Ratten
(2021-06-21)Osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease that affects 200 million people worldwide, predominantly postmenopausal women. Adecreased estrogen level causes a dysbalance between bone formation and bone resorption towards the ... -
Analyse der Genexpression von humanen Stro-1-positiven Zahnkeim- und Beckenkammzellen in DME-Medium und osteogenem Differenzierungsmedium
(2020-08-18)Because of the ethically controversial use of embryonic stem cells in tissue engineering there has been an increased interest in mesenchymal stem cells, which can be found in various adult tissues. The present study ... -
Der Effekt von niedrigamplitudiger, hochfrequenter mechanischer Stimulation im Osteoporose-Rattenmodell
(2020-07-16)Introduction: Non-pharmacological treatment options as physical exercise are an essential corner stone in the treatment of osteoporosis. In this study, the effects of low-magnitude, high-frequency mechanical stimulation, ... -
Der Einfluss von Baicalein auf die metaphysäre Frakturheilung im Osteoporosemodell der Ratte
(2019-07-08)The systemic skeletal disease osteoporosis is characterized by reduced bone mineral density and an impairment of the microarchitecture of the bone tissue. The global role of osteoporosis necessitates its classification as ... -
Einfluss der vertikalen Ganzkörpervibration mit 70 Hertz und Kurzzeiteffekte von Parathormon und Strontiumranelat auf die Muskulatur der ovarektomierten Ratte
(2019-07-03)The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of a therapy with strontium ranelate, teriparatide (PTH) and vertical whole-body vibration (VIB) of 70 Hz alone and in combination of strontium ranelate (SR) or PTH with VIB ... -
Die Wirkung von Vitamin D in Kombination mit Ecdyson und Östrogen auf Uterus und Mamma der ovarekomierten Ratte
(2019-07-03)In an ageing society, a growing number of female patients is affected by climacteric symptoms. Therapeutic options include long established treatments like hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and substitution of vitamin D ... -
Das Knochenremodeling bei Osteoporose am Tiermodell des Göttinger Minischweines
(2019-03-15)Hypothesis:The rodent model, which has been well established in osteoporosis research, can only be applied to humans to a limited extent. The objective of the present work was therefore to conduct a detailed ...
Einfluss einer horizontalen Ganzkörpervibration unter verschiedenen Frequenzen auf die Frakturheilung an der osteopenen Rattentibia
(2018-09-12)Osteoporosis is characterized by a loss of bone mineral density. As a result, the risk of atraumatic fractures increases. Especially frail and aged patients have an increased risk of osteoporotic bone fractures. As a result, ... -
Intermittierende PTH-Applikation zur Osteopenie-Therapie im weiblichen Rattentiermodell
(2018-03-12)Osteoporosis is a disease that primarily affects postmenopausal women. Osteopenia-related fractures reduce the quality of life and increase the mortality. Thus, it is essential that new treatment concepts for osteoporosis ... -
Der Einfluss von Parathormon, Strontiumranelat und Ganzkörpervibration auf den osteoporotischen Lendenwirbelkörper der ovariektomierten Ratte
(2017-05-30)The aim of this work was to find out if a combination therapy of parathyroid hormone or strontium ranelate with a vertical vibration therapy at a frequency of 70 Hz affects the osteoporotic lumbar spine of the rat ... -
Die in vivo antibakterielle Wirkung von Kupfer in einem zahnärztlichen Zinkoxid-Phosphatzement
(2017-04-24)Antibacterial additives of medical biomaterials have been introduced as a promising approach to reduce the risk of infection. The aim of this study was to investigate antimicrobial effects of copper in a dental zinc phosphate ... -
Der Einfluss von vertikaler Ganzkörpervibration in Kombination mit Strontiumranelat und Teriparatid auf die metaphysäre Frakturheilung der osteopenen Rattentibia
(2017-03-24)The present work investigates the effect of vertical whole-body-vibration (WBV) combined with strontiumranelate or teriparatide on fracture healing in ovariectomized rats. In previous studies strontiumranelate has shown ... -
Untersuchung zum Wachstums- und Differenzierungsverhalten von humanen mesenchymalen Beckenkammzellen unter dem Einfluss des Überstandes von Damhirschgeweihzellen
(2017-03-10)The annually recurring regeneration of deer antlers, accompanied by rapid growth of around 2 cm per day, is of great interest as a research model due to the structural and histological similarities between antlers and the ... -
Der Einfluss der Wachstumsfaktoren TGF-b3 und EGF sowie des Matrixmoleküls Biglycan auf die Gene SOX9 und RUNX2 in chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2016-09-09)Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease of the joints in the human body, especially of the knee joint. It is characterized by inflammatory and degenerative processes that strongly limit patients in their mobility. In the ... -
Die Wirkung von Genistein und Equol in Kombination mit Vibrationstraining auf Knochenparameter der orchidektomierten Ratte während einer Knochendefektheilung
(2016-03-04)Not only women but also men suffer from Osteoporosis. Pathophysiologically the disease is characterized by a decreasing bone density which initially affects the cancellous bone, later on the cortical. In our first part ... -
Wirkung von kurzzeitiger vertikaler Ganzkörpervibration mit Frequenzen unter 90 Hz auf das Femur ovarektomierter Ratten.
(2015-11-27)SUMMARY: In this study, short-term, verticale whole-body Vibration (WBV) at 35 Hz, 50 Hz, 70 Hz and 90 Hz was testet to trabecular bone quality, Rigidity and Densitiy on the femur of the osteoporotic rat. We saw an ... -
Untersuchungen an humanen chondrogenen Progenitorzellen aus späten Stadien der Osteoarthrose zu dem Migrationspotential und der Proliferationsfähigkeit ex vivo sowie zu den Auswirkungen einer Kultivierung in vitro auf das Genexpressionsmuster
(2015-05-18)This study shows the ability for migration and proliferation ex vivo of human chondrogenic progentior cells (CPC) from late stages of osteoarthritis. It also shows that short-time in vitro culture has only small effects ...