Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Wuttke, Wolfgang Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Der Einfluss von Strontiumranelat auf die Muskulatur der osteopenen Ratte
(2019-10-14)Osteoporosis and sarcopenia are a global health problem affecting in particular the aging population in industrialized countries. Strontium ranelate is an agent for osteoporosis therapy. It is still unclear what effect ... -
Das metabolische Syndrom: die Auswirkung von β-Ecdyson auf ausgewählte Körperparameter und Serumlipide des metabolischen Syndroms
(2018-11-01)The aim of the study was to analyze the interactions between body fat, especially visceral fat depot, on parameters such as hsCRP and the lipid profile. The effects of ecdysone on the body parameters fat percentage, muscle ... -
Einfluss der Ganzkörpervibration in Kombination mit Östrogen und Raloxifen auf die Skelettmuskulatur der ovarektomierten Ratte
(2018-04-25)Due to change in the age structure, diseases of older age are increasingly getting in the focus of our healthcare system. The treatment of osteoporosis is therefore becoming increasingly important. As the side effects of ... -
Einfluss der horizontalen Ganzkörpervibration unterschiedlicher Frequenz auf den Lendenwirbelkörper der Ratte
(2017-11-22)Summary The experiment was performed to determine the influence of whole body vibration on lumbar vertebrae of rats. 90 Spraque-Dawley rats were operated, of which 75 were ovarectomized and 15 SHAM operated. Two months ... -
Der Einfluss von Parathormon, Strontiumranelat und Ganzkörpervibration auf den osteoporotischen Lendenwirbelkörper der ovariektomierten Ratte
(2017-05-30)The aim of this work was to find out if a combination therapy of parathyroid hormone or strontium ranelate with a vertical vibration therapy at a frequency of 70 Hz affects the osteoporotic lumbar spine of the rat ... -
Der Einfluss von vertikaler Ganzkörpervibration, Alendronat und 8-Prenylnaringenin auf die Muskulatur der ovariektomierten Ratte
(2017-05-16)Osteoporosis with reduced bone density and sarcopenia with loss of muscle strength are the most prevalent diseases in the older segment of the population and are responsible for an increased risk of falls and fractures ... -
Der Einfluss von vertikaler Ganzkörpervibration in Kombination mit Strontiumranelat und Teriparatid auf die metaphysäre Frakturheilung der osteopenen Rattentibia
(2017-03-24)The present work investigates the effect of vertical whole-body-vibration (WBV) combined with strontiumranelate or teriparatide on fracture healing in ovariectomized rats. In previous studies strontiumranelate has shown ... -
Der Effekt der pränatalen Dexamethasontherapie auf die Fettparameter der Nachkommen beim Callithrix jacchus
(2017-03-02)The aim of the present work was to investigate whether a prenatal dexamethasone therapy in the first and / or second trimester of pregnancy leads to certain metabolic changes in the male offspring. The test animals were ... -
Die Wirkung von Genistein und Equol in Kombination mit Vibrationstraining auf Knochenparameter der orchidektomierten Ratte während einer Knochendefektheilung
(2016-03-04)Not only women but also men suffer from Osteoporosis. Pathophysiologically the disease is characterized by a decreasing bone density which initially affects the cancellous bone, later on the cortical. In our first part ... -
Auswirkung der vertikalen Ganzkörpervibration unterschiedlicher Frequenzen auf die Muskulatur im osteoporotischen Rattenmodell
(2015-07-28)Sarcopenia and osteoporosis are closely associated due to the influence of muscle on bone tissue. Various whole body vibration (WBV) therapy regimens are used for muscle and bone improvement. To identify the effect of ... -
Einfluss der vertikalen und horizontalen Ganzkörpervibration mit verschiedenen Frequenzen auf die Lendenwirbelsäule im Rattentiermodell
(2014-10-22)Aim of this study was to present the influence of vertical and horizontal whole-body-vibration with different frequencies on the osteoporotic lumbar spine in the rat animal model. Therefore 75 rats (Sprague Dawley) were ... -
Wie gefährdet sind wir durch endokrine Disruptoren? Effekt von Daidzein und 4-MBC im Vergleich mit 17β-stradiol auf den Uterus der ovarektomierten Ratte
(2013-01-09)The aim of the study was to evaluate estrogenic potential by oral administration of E2, the isoflavone daidzein and synthetic UV absorber 4-MBC in the long-term experiment of 70d on ovx rats. Here, the uterus was used as ... -
Die Auswirkungen von 20-Hydroxyecdyson (β-Ecdyson) im Vergleich zu 17-β-Östradiol auf den Knochenaufbau und Knochenstoffwechsel der Ratte als Modell für die postmenopausale Osteoporose der Frau
(2012-05-24)Osteoporosis caused by climacterial lack of estrogen is one oft he most frequent postmenopausal diseases. Besides the established, drug-based therapy options more research needs to be conducted into preventive substances, ... -
Langzeit- und Kurzzeiteffekte von 20-Hydroxyecdyson auf das Mammagewebe ovarektomierter und nicht ovarektomierter Ratten
(2012-04-19)Due to the decreased estrogen levels, bone deficiencies occur in the postmenopausal transition. The use of classical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) might be linked to an elevated risk of breast cancer. Therefore, the ... -
Die Auswirkung von DHT, Östradiol und den Phytoöstrogenen Genistein und Equol auf das muskuloskelettale System und die Prostata unter Einfluß von Vibrationstherapie bei orchidektomierten Ratten
(2012-02-29)In an aging society the number of age-related diseases and their consequences will increase significantly. The gradual decrease of Testosterone (T) can lead to an androgen deficiency, with ... -
Wirkungen endokriner Disruptoren auf Prostata und Samenblase der Sprague-Dawley-Ratte
(2012-02-28)Endocrine disruptors (ED) are substances that, due to their chemical structure, can interfere with endocrine system of animals, including humans and caused adverse biological effects. They ... -
Einfluss eines 30-Hz-Vibrationstrainings in Kombination mit verschiedenen Isoflavonen auf die proximale Tibiametaphyse der ovarektomierten Ratte
(2011-11-16)Introduction: Can osteoporosis be prevented by means of vibration training, if its effectiveness is increased with isoflavones? Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease, which is characterized ... -
Der Einfluss von 20-Hydroxyecdysone und 17-β-Östradiol auf den Knochenmetabolismus der ovarektomierten Sprague-Dawley-Ratte: Eine Alternative der postmenopausalen Antiosteoporosetherapie?
(2011-11-07)20-Hydroxyecdysone (ECD) is a Phytoecdysteroid with anabolic and osteoprotective effects. The aim of this study was to investigate whether Ecd can be used as a potential treatment alternative ... -
Beeinflussung der Knochenparameter und der Knochendefektheilung des osteoporotischen Knochens am Modell der orchidektomierten Ratte durch Vibrationstherapie in Kombination mit Dihydrotestosteron und Östradiol
(2011-11-02)More and more men suffer from osteoporosis with age. High bone fragility and difficult fracture healing are often the result of this disease.The effect of vibration training as a possible ... -
Wirkung von Endokrinen Disruptoren auf die Tibiametaphyse der ovarektomierten Sprague Dawley Ratte
(2011-09-29)Endocrine disruptors (ED) have structural similarities to steroid hormones and can mimic the effect of endogenous 17β-estradiol. Human beings are exposed to the ED by ingestion, inhalation ...