Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Gruss, Peter Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Identification and Functional Characterization of unc5A during Neocortical Regionalization
(2008-04-15)During the evolution of mammalian species, the cerebral neocortex acquired improved sensory, learning, and decision-making activities in parallel to its structural regionalization for specific functions. Each of these ... -
Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Genen für die Entwicklung des cerebralen Cortex
(2005-02-01)In order to identify new genes showing a regionalized expression in the E16.5 cerebral cortex a microarray expression analysis with 5 different cortex tissues was performed. After computational ... -
Mechanismen der Entwicklung des zerebralen Kortex
(2005-01-19)The current concept of the cerebral cortex patterning involves certain genes with a region specific expression in the cortical primordium, such as paracrine factors and transcription factors. ... -
Trim2 mutant mice as a model for cerebellar ataxia
(2003-11-25)In the frame of a large scale gene trap (GT) mutation screening focused on identification of novel genes involved in CNS development and function, a mouse GT line was characterized showing ... -
Funktionsanalyse der Entwicklungskontrollgene Irx2 und Mash1 in der Maus.
(2002-10-01)The development of organism is controlled by transcription factors which can modulate cascades of genes in their activity . The search for developmental relevant genes identified the new ... -
Struktur- und Funktionsanalysen des Pax4-Promotors
(2002-04-05)Pax4 is a member of the Pax family of transcription factors with restricted expression and essentia l functions in the developing pancreas. Pax4 deficient mice do not develop pancreatic ... -
Charakterisierung eines neuen Proteins, Mapl-1 und seine Rolle in der Regulation der Pax-6 Funktion.
(2002-01-22)Pax proteins comprise a family of highly conserved transcriptional regulators that hold essential roles during embryonic development and organogenesis. The structural motif common to all ... -
Funktionsanalyse des Irx1-Gens
(2001-07-27)In D. melanogaster genes are composing a network, which determine neural cell lineage. Among them the genes of the Iroquois complex (IRO-C) are playing a crucial role in regulating the ...