Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Hasselhorn, Marcus Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 41
Die Integration von Eltern in den stationären Therapieprozess essgestörter Patienten/-innen – Evaluation von Eltern-Kind-Therapiewochen in einer Klinik für Essstörungen
(2015-10-22)If the family is crucial in the development and genesis of eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia), it will also play an essential role to the treatment of the eating disorders child. In this study, “Eltern-Kind-Therapiewoche” ... -
Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma - Einfluss von Selbstwahrnehmung und Krankheitsverarbeitung
(2015-10-19)In reports and judgments on individual life circumstances, a person´s subjective perspective is not only of general psychological interest, but also of special relevance in clinical psychological assessment and medical ... -
Steigerung selbstregulierten Lernens durch computerbasiertes Feedback beim Erwerb von Experimentierkompetenz im Fach Biologie
(2013-04-29)Feedback is a key factor contributing to successful learning, provided that it is used correctly (Hattie & Timperley, 2007). This is particularly true with respect to acquisition of new competencies. The purpose of the ... -
Acculturative Stress and its Association with Academic Stress and Psychological Well-being of International Students
(2012-09-04)The current study explored acculturative stress and its association with academic stress and psychological well-being (including distress symptoms and positive affect) among international students in Germany. It was also ... -
Neurofeedback bei Kindern mit einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung - Ergebnisse auf Verhaltens- und neurophysiologischer Ebene
(2012-04-24)The multicentre randomised controlled trial evaluated the efficacy of neurofeedback (NF) training in children with ADHD. An attention skills training, coupled with the training setting and demands made upon participants, ... -
Decision-making Strategies and Self-regulated Learning: Fostering Decision-making Competence in Education for Sustainable Development
(2012-01-16)Environmental problems, the exploitation of natural resources and social injustice in a globalized world require the political actions and responsible behavior of all citizens. Therefore, ... -
Arbeitsgedächtnis und Schulleistungen in Mathematik und Schriftsprache bei älteren Grundschülern
(2011-11-10)The relationship between working memory functions based on the model of Baddeley (1986) and the performance in mathematics, reading, spelling, and intelligence is being investigated. The ... -
Selbstkonzepte von Schülern der Klassenstufen 3 bis 6: Messung und Validierung der multidimensionalen Struktur
(2011-07-21)In the field of research on the multidimensional self-concept of preadolescent children it has remained an unresolved issue, whether academic self-concept is not only domain-specific but ... -
Kognitive Kontrolle bei Aufmerksamkeits Defizit / Hyperaktivitäts Störung
(2010-11-25)Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common psychiatric disorder characterized by inappropriate hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. Recent theories propose ... -
Bedeutung, Erfassung und Veränderung interpersonaler Problemmuster in der Psychotherapieforschung : Eine Untersuchung mit dem Inventar zur Erfassung interpersonaler Probleme
(2010-09-07)In this study evaluation of interpersonal problems and modification of interpersonal problems were examined in different areas of inpatient and outpatient psychotherapy. Interpersonal ... -
Profitieren Kinder mit kognitiven Entwicklungsrisiken von jahrgangsgemischtem Schulanfangsunterricht?
(2009-06-17)The study examined in how far children with deficits in basic cognitive functions profit during elementary education when taught in mixed age schools in grade 1 and 2. The data were collected ... -
Farbdiskrimination und Stroop-Effekt bei Kindern mit chronischer Tic-Störung (CTS) und/oder Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit/Hyperaktivitäts-Störung (ADHS)
(2009-06-04)Preliminary findings suggest that color perception, particularly of blue-yellow stimuli, is impaired in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as in adults ... -
Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Erwachsenenalter: Stressreagibilität und Stressbewältigung unter Laborbedingungen und im Alltag
(2009-03-12)The examination of the literature on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults reveals that assumptions of an elevated vulnerability towards stressors and of deficits in ... -
Leadership in Sports
(2009-01-09)The central questions of this work were concerned with the applicability of three versions of the Leadership Scale for Sports in Physical Education (LSS-PE) as a suitable instrument for ... -
Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen in der Lehrerbildung
(2008-11-20)The importance of self-efficacy beliefs for the profession of teachers has been shown empirically (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy 2001). Yet, for the assessment of teacher self-efficacy ... -
Leistungsentwicklungen und berufliche Interessen in der gymnasialen Oberstufe
(2008-11-14)Major aims of classroom instruction in upper secondary level are a profound general knowledge and a general ability to study successfully at a University level. In order to attain these ... -
Perspektivenübernahme als eine Kompetenz historischen Verstehens
(2008-11-10)A competency that students should acquire in learning history is inferring thoughts and feelings of people who have lived in past times. This competency called historical perspective taking ... -
Bewertungskompetenz für den Biologieunterricht -
(2008-11-04)Germany s educational system has experienced a radical change over the last few years. One major reason for this change were high school students mediocre results in the PISA studies. One ... -
Häufige Kopfschmerzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter:
(2008-08-20)In addition to pharmacological therapies, psychological treatments are also used in the reduction of recurrent headache in children and adolescents, in order to achieve an alleviation of ... -
Förderung selbstregulierten Lernens im Unterricht: Herausforderungen, Ansatzpunkte, Chancen
(2008-07-15)The goal of the present work was to study two different approaches to promote self-regulated learning within regular classroom settings.The approaches differ both in terms of the way ...