Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Runge, Michael Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Ursachen des Invasionserfolges von Rhododendron ponticum L. auf den Britischen Inseln: Einfluss von Habitat und Genotyp
(2004-12-27)In recent years, biological invasions have become a focus of ecological research. The success of invading plant species can be driven, both, by specific traits of the invader (invasiveness) ... -
Zentrale und periphere Populationen von Hornungia petraea: Biodiversität und Demographie auf unterschiedlichen raum-zeitlichen Skalenebenen
(2004-06-14)Hornungia petraea is a winter annual species of the Brassicaceae. The species has a submediterranean-subatlantic distribution. On the basis of H. petraea populations, different ... -
Blattwasserzustand und Wasserumsatz von vier Buchenwäldern entlang eines Niederschlagsgradienten in Mitteldeutschland
(2003-12-15)1. The aim of the study was to analyze the plasticity of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in water use and the regulation of water balance in adaptation to forest sites with widely differing precipitation regimes. The ... -
Die Bedeutung der Epiphyten im ökosystemaren Wasser- und Nährstoffumsatz verschiedener Altersstadien eines Bergregenwaldes in Costa Rica
(2002-12-09)In a comparative study, conducted in the Costa Rican Cordillera Talamanca, a chronosequence of three different successional stages of an upper montane rain forest was investigated. This ... -
Auswirkungen von Trockenheit und Entlaubung auf den Wasserhaushalt von Stiel- und Traubeneiche
(2002-12-09)As indicated indirectly by tree ring analysis and climate records, defoliation in at least two consecutive years together with a dry summer is considered to be the most important combination ... -
Site factors determining epiphytic lichen distribution in a dieback-affected spruce-fir forest on Whiteface Mountain, New York
(2002-08-14)Epiphytic lichen distribution on the trunks of living and dead Picea rubens as well as on the trunks of living and dead Abies balsamea and its dependency on chemical and microclimatic site ... -
Genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth)
(2002-01-16)Young trees of four clones of Betula pendula from origins with different amounts of precipitation were subjected to prolonged drought periods in two subsequent summers. The aims of ...