Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Tscharntke, Teja Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Plant community composition and biodiversity of irrigated rice ecosystems in Vietnam and the Philippines
(2021-11-26)Irrigated rice landscapes in tropical and subtropical Asia are complex agroecosystems that have evolved mostly from natural wetlands. Millennia of interaction between human communities and their surrounding ecosystems have ... -
Shade trees in cacao agroforestry systems: influence on roots and net primary production
(2016-09-19)Huge areas of natural forests are rapidly cleared worldwide to make way for agricultural cultivation systems. This has a substantial impact on the functioning of ecosystems, as well as on carbon cycling and hence effects ... -
Land-use impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of complex multitrophic communities
(2016-02-24)Global biodiversity is rapidly declining, resulting in far-reaching impacts on the functioning of ecosystems and human wellbeing. In recent decades, anthropogenic land use has been identified as a major driver of biodiversity ... -
Multitrophic interactions along a plant size gradient in Brassicaceae
(2015-02-19)Plant size is hypothesised to be a major driver of biotic interactions, as larger plants are more conspicuous and offer a wider range of resources and niches for associated animals. However, the role of interspecific ... -
Services and disservices driven by ant communities in tropical agroforests
(2013-05-30)Agricultural productivity and human well-being are built upon ecosystem services and disservices. Ants in tropical agroecosystems drive a complex network of direct and indirect interactions between crops and their mutualists ... -
Compartmentalization and energy channels within the soil animal food web investigated by stable isotope (13C and 15N) and fatty acid analyses
(2012-11-12)Forest soil food webs are complex and heterogeneous systems. Trophic relationships are hidden from direct observation due to small size of soil animals, cryptic habitat and complex mixtures of basal resources that are ... -
Pollinator biodiversity, functional complementarity and dynamic plant-pollinator interaction networks
(2012-11-06)Worldwide declines in biodiversity have prompted concerns about the functioning of ecosystems that may rely on it. This is also true for the pollination of plants, which is essential for the reproduction and thus long-term ... -
Agricultural intensification, biological pest control and spatio-temporal changes in food web structure
(2011-11-22)Agricultural intensification (AI) is a major driver of losses in agrobiodiversity and associated ecosystem functions such as biological control, thereby indirectly affecting agricultural ... -
Untersuchungen zu Spinnengemeinschaften in Kakaoagroforstsystemen in Indonesien: Diversität, Netzdichte und räumlich-zeitlicher Artenaustausch
(2010-10-22)Primary rainforests and the associated biodiversity are disappearing from tropical landscapes at accelerating rates due to agricultural expansion. Cacao agroforestry systems are commonly ... -
Below- and aboveground farmland biodiversity in relation to local and regional management
(2010-06-02)The expansion of global croplands, plantations and pastures in the last decades, which led to a dramatic change in the spatial structuring of agricultural landscapes is one of the main ... -
Diversität und Biogeographie der Farne und Vögel Boliviens: Niche Modellierung GIS Applicationen
(2010-06-02)This dissertation focuses on a wide range of biogeographic and macroecological aspects of bird and fern species from Bolivia. In the first chapter I outlined the general purpose of this ... -
Epiphytic bryophytes in natural forests and cacao agroforests of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(2009-06-29)This dissertation consists of several studies on the epiphytic bryophyte flora in natural forest sites and shaded cacao agroforests in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Agroforests can harbor ... -
Diversity and Ecological patterns of Bolivian deciduous forests
(2009-02-03)This dissertation focuses on two aspects of tropical forests. In the first part I report patterns of plant diversity at local scales in a central Bolivian Andean foothill seasonal forest ... -
Spatiotemporal patterns of insect diversity and multitrophic interactions across a tree diversity gradient
(2008-12-12)Throughout the last decade, linking biodiversity with ecosystem functioning and services, such as pollination and biocontrol of pest species, has gained major attention in ecological research. ... -
Wechselwirkung zwischen Schwarzerlen und Erlenblattkäfer: Signaltransfer zwischen Bäumen und induzierte Resistenz
(2002-01-23)The presented work investigates the hypothesis of interplant communication between trees. According to this hypothesis, damaged plants release airborne chemical signals which can induce ...