Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Willmann, Rainer Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Evolution of the Orthoptera: systematic placement among insects, internal phylogeny and the origin of bioacoustics
(2017-09-20)The present thesis provides (1) a detailed study of the yet neglected skeletomuscular complex of the thorax in Orthoptera, (2) a comparative study of the morphological modifications associated with secondary winglessness ... -
Verhalten und Raumnutzung von Exmoorponys im Reiherbachtal (Solling)
(2015-07-16)From autumn 2011 to autumn 2013 the behaviour and the habitat use of Exmoor ponies under semi-natural conditions were studied in the area of Solling-Vogler. Ten focus animals lived in a 140 ha wide area and were observed ... -
Biotoppflege mit Pferden
(2015-04-13)The aim of the research project was to study the vegetation and landscape changes in a grass-dominated nature reserve, under year-round extensive grazing with free-ranging horses. The project area (107 ha) is located at ... -
Indigenous Knowledge, morphological variation and genetic diversity of Kava (Piper methysticum Forst.) in Merauke, Papua, Indonesia
(2014-05-16)Papua Province harbors a very rich biodiversity yet to be discovered entirely for research. Various plants serve as a drug and are traditionally used by the community. The Marind tribe is located in the district of Merauke ... -
The impact of hunting on Victoria crowned pigeon (Goura victoria:Columbidae) in the rainforests of Northern Papua, Indonesia
(2013-11-20)Victoria crowned pigeon (Goura victoria) is an endemic bird and has been declared as protected species by Indonesian Government under Law Act No. 301/1991. This species with two other species of Goura (crowned pigeon) are ... -
The Ecology of the Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus) and the Impact of Human Activities on Its Habitats in Lake Sentani, Papua
(2013-10-04)Summary Located in the western half of New Guinea, Papua is facing rapid and poorly-planned social and economic development, increasing habitat degradation and threatening its high level of species richness and endemicity. ... -
The Thorax of Odonata (Insecta)
(2013-09-11)The aim of my dissertation was to study the morphology and evolution of the thorax of damselflies and dragonflies (Odonata). One focus was the morphology of the thorax musculature and the homology between Odonata and a ... -
Zirkulierende Nukleinsäuren als molekulare Marker zur Trächtigkeitsbestimmung beim Rind
(2012-07-12)Circulating nucleic acids (CNAs) are specified as DNAs and RNAs outside cells that are circulating in the blood free or wrapped in membrane vesicles of healthy and diseased individuals. In this study CNA profiles from serum ... -
Molekulargenetische Untersuchungen an Überresten präkolumbischer Neuwelt-Camelidae aus dem Palpa-Tal (Peru)
(2008-06-25)The reconstruction of the socio-cultural organization of (pre-)historical populations is central interest of the archaeology. The co-operation of the humanities and the natural sciences ... -
Evolution isolierter Teilpopulationen der Laubholz-Säbelschrecke Barbitistes serricauda (FABRICIUS 1798)
(2008-04-16)The central European area populated by the ratite bushcricket Barbitistes serricauda (Fabricius 1798) has been fragmented in Prehistoric times by the settling of the copper beech, which was presumably promoted by man. The ... -
Diversity and evolution of pteridophytes, with emphasis on the Neotropics
(2007-09-19)Pteridophytes, understood as taxonomic group containing ferns, horsetails, and clubmosses, are especially diverse and abundant in the tropical mountain ranges of South America. My work ... -
Molecular phylogeny and morphological reconstructions of Plagiochilaceae (Jungermanniopsida) with hypotheses on biogeography and divergence times
(2006-10-30)Plagiochilaceae are one of the largest families of leafy liverworts, with an estimated species number of about 500, the magnitude of them placed in the genus Plagiochila. Members of the ... -
Molekulargenetische Verwandtschaftsanalysen am prähistorischen Skelettkollektiv der Lichtensteinhöhle
(2006-05-23)The prehistoric anthropology is concerned with living conditions and way of life of historical populations. In particular, kinship analyses are in focus of anthropological research studies, ... -
Phylogenetische Untersuchungen an Schädeln der Neuweltaffen (Platyrrhini)
(2005-10-14)In the present study, the statistical procedure of Q-factor analysis with a Varimax rotation (see e.g. BORTZ, 1993) was applied to detect complex characters from skull measurements of New ... -
Vom Aussterben bedroht oder anpassungsfähig? - Der Koboldmaki <i>Tarsius dianae</i> in den Regenwäldern Sulawesis
(2003-05-22)The major goal of this study was to evaluate the adaptability of Sulawesi tarsiers Tarsius dianae to anthropogenic disturbance of their habitat and to assess future prospects of the species. ... -
Phylogenetische Entwicklung asiatischer Wasserbüffel anhand Polymorphismen in der mitochondrialen D-loop Region
(2001-05-11)Die Phylogenese der Wasserbüffel (Bubalus bubalis) wird noch immer kontrovers diskutiert. In der Vergangenheit variierte die Divergenzzeit zwischen Fluß- und Sumpfbüffeln, je nach Analysemethode, ...