Browsing Fakultät für Biologie und Psychologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Wodarz, Andreas Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Comparative analysis of organ size, shape, and patterning in diverse species
(2017-01-12)For a long time, the scientific community was concerned with the question how different tissues grow and differentiate. Much work in this respect has been done on complex 3-Dimentional vertebrate model limb systems such ... -
Analyzing UNC-50/GMH1 dependent membrane trafficking in yeast and C. elegans
(2015-11-30)Although the basic principles of the intracellular trafficking of proteins and lipids within the secretory apparatus have been established, the precise regulation of molecular membrane transport events is still not well ... -
Untersuchung der Heterogenität submitochondrialer Proteinverteilungen mit hochauflösender Mikroskopie
(2015-01-15)Mitochondria are essential organelles of eukaryotic cells. They fulfill a multitude of fundamental tasks: besides their outstanding significance for energy production they possess a central role in metabolism, ion homeostasis ... -
Systematic Reverse Genetic Screen to Identify Novel Genes Required for Anterior Patterning of the Red Flour Beetle Tribolium castaneum
(2014-08-19)The formation of two main body axis is a crucial event during bilaterian de-velopment and has been in the focus of research for many years. The vinegar fly Drosophila melanogaster served as an excellent model organism for ... -
Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of Parkinson’s Disease
(2014-06-02)Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the common neurodegenerative diseases. In particular, it affects the elderly and associates with the movement disorder. The hallmarks of PD are progressive loss of midbrain dopaminergic ... -
Funktionelle Analyse des Transkriptionsfaktors Pitx3 während der Entwicklung dopaminerger Neuronen im murinen Mittelhirn
(2013-09-04)The transcription factor PITX3 is expressed only in postmitotic mDA neurons of the midbrain and shows a complete co-expression of TH in the VTA and the SN. At a loss to PITX3 expression (aphakia mouse) the mDA neurons of ... -
Conformational state of monomeric kinesin UNC-104
(2012-11-06)The fast anterograde monomeric kinesin-3 motor UNC-104 is crucial for synaptic vesicle transport in neurons. in vitro, UNC-104 is a non-processive motor with biased-diffusional motion behaviour on a single molecule level. ... -
Control of E-cadherin Function in Cell Intercalation by ER Glucosylation Enzymes
(2012-11-05)Three consecutive glucosylations are the last steps in formation of the dolichol-PP-glycans before the glycans are transferred to nascent proteins in the ER. These three glucosyl residues are assumed to function in protein ... -
Analyzing PTK7/RACK1 interaction in neural morphogenesis
(2012-08-01)One of the most critical events during embryonic development is the formation of the nervous system. This process requires morphogenetic movements like the formation of the neural tube and the migration of neural crest ... -
Formation of the Clypeolabral Region During Embryonic Head Development of the Red Flour Beetle Tribolium castaneum
(2012-07-26)Insects are segmented organisms but the number of segments contributing to the head is disputed. The most anterior head region is patterned differently from the rest of the body and, therefore, is considered to be ... -
Analysis of ether-à-go-go potassium channel (Eag1) splice variants in melanoma cells
(2011-05-03)The human ether-à-go-go potassium channel (hEag1) can be detected in adult brain and in both, tumor cell lines and primary tumors. The physiological function of this channel in the brain ... -
Function analysis of Xenopus NumbL in the context of primary neurogenesis
(2011-03-24)Members of the vertebrate Numb family of cell fate determinants have been shown to play multiple roles throughout early embryogenesis including an essential role during the development of ... -
Evolution of caudal translational repression in higher insects
(2011-03-03)The anterior patterning factor bicoid (bcd) mediates translational repression of caudal (cad) in Drosophila embryos and is an evolutionary novelty present only in higher dipterans. ... -
Functional characterization of the gene schlappohr (CG7739) during Drosophila development
(2010-08-11)In this study the role the gene schlappohr (shlp) during development of Drosophila melanogaster (Drosophila) was investigated. shlp encodes a evolutionary highly conserved protein with ... -
Molekulare und funktionelle Analyse des Gens rings lost (CG4420) in der Entwicklung von Drosophila melanogaster
(2010-05-17)Oogenesis of Drosophila is an attractive model system to study the arrangement of the actin-cytoskeleton. At the beginning of oogenesis a 16-cell cyst is formed and all cells of these cyst ... -
Functional Analysis of Mars (CG17064) in Drosophila Development
(2010-03-31)The formation of the mitotic spindle is controlled by the microtubule organizing activity of the centrosomes and by the effects of chromatin-associated Ran-GTP on the activities of spindle ... -
Functional analysis of the Bazooka protein in the establishment of cell polarity in Drosophila melanogaster
(2009-10-14)Components of the PAR/aPKC (partitioning-defective / atypical protein kinase C) complex have been found to play a key role in the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity in various ... -
Funktion und Evolution von hochkonservierten Kopfgenen im Reismehlkäfer Tribolium castaneum
(2009-09-09)The anterior-posterior axis of all bilaterian animals is subdivided into a posterior region marked by the expression of highly conserved Hox-cluster genes and an anterior region free of ... -
Molekulare und funktionelle Analyse von Windei (CG12340) als Bindungspartner der Histonmethyltransferase Eggless während der Oogenese von <i>Drosophila</i>
(2009-02-16)The epigenetic regulation of gene expression plays a very important role in development and is often mediated by the methylation of histones. Trimethylation of histone 3 lysine 9 (H3K9me3) ...