Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Manig, Winfried Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Klimapolitische Maßnahmen als öffentliche Güter
(2010-09-23)The consequences of the climate change led in many countries of Africa to irreversible dam-ages to the citizens, animals and nature, and as such; creating particularly negative conse-quences ... -
Preferences for Rural Credit Systems and their Impact on the Implementation of Credit Unions in Georgia
(2009-12-11)Preferences for rural credit systems and their impact on the implementation of credit unions in GeorgiaIn the Georgian agricultural sector, the main development constraints are insufficient ... -
Analysis of the Development Options to Improve the Income Situation of Dairying Households in Punjab
(2008-05-15)The aim of this research work is to develop an analytical framework for status quo analy-sis of milk production situation in Pakistani Punjab and evaluate the impact of various improvement interventions on the income ... -
Livelihood Strategies and Employment Structure in Northwest Pakistan
(2008-01-25)In this study, the livelihood strategies and changes in employment structure in Northwest Pakistan are explored from a household perspective. The study combined socio-economic longitudinal ... -
Household savings in rural Pakistan
(2002-03-15)The present study analyses some conceptual and empirical issues of the saving behavior of the rural population in Pakistan. The major emphasis of the study is to answer the following ... -
Water users
(2002-03-08)The study, based on empirical data collected in Pakistan's Punjab, deals intensively with the prevailing contingencies which may support or hinder farmer's participation in Water Users' ...