Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Marggraf, Rainer Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Beiträge zur Berücksichtigung des Eigenwertes von Tieren im Rahmen wohlfahrtsökonomischer Analysen
(2018-05-28)Nature can be valued in various ways. In the comprehension of the total value of nature two common approaches for the assessment of nature can be distinguished. Environmental economic analyzes are based on an anthropocentric ... -
Werte in umweltgeschichtlichen Texten
(2017-07-11)This thesis makes a contribution to clarifying the discussion about which values dominate texts from the field of environmental history. Therefor articles from the field of environmental history are examined regarding the ... -
The Valuation of River Ecosystem Services
(2017-02-14)This dissertation with the title “The Valuation of River Ecosystem Services” consists of three papers. It begins with the retrospect of the historical development of cost-benefit analysis and the non-market valuation ... -
Steuerungsoptionen für eine effektive Biodiversitätsgovernance
(2017-01-09)Biodiversity loss is one of the most pressing global environmental problems of our generation. Member states to the Convention on Biological Diversity are developing national biodiversity strategies to conserve biodiversity ... -
Livelihoods on the edge: farming household income, food security and resilience in southwestern Madagascar
(2016-06-09)Southwestern Madagascar is not only one of the “hottest biodiversity hotspots” globally, but also a food insecurity hotspot with severe levels of poverty and undernourishment. Large parts of the regional forest have been ... -
Integrating economic costs into global biodiversity conservation priorities: Sensitivity of prioritization to the use of differing cost indicators
(2016-02-29)Protected area systems that are ecologically representative and effectively managed are essential tools for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity worldwide. However, global protected area coverage and ...
Ethische Grundlagen und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven einer artgerechteren landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung
(2015-05-26)The animal agriculture and animal husbandry are the focus of public and political debate. The triggers are a number of food scandals like proven dioxin in eggs or unmarked horsemeat in products on the one hand and on the ... -
Nach dem Hochwasser ist vor dem Hochwasser: Eine Analyse zur Rationalität politischer Entscheidungsprozesse
(2014-10-29)How to assess Disaster Responds on Flood Events during the 20th Century – a conceptional framework and its application in Vietnam and Germany A comparison of disaster responds on flood events during the late 20th century ... -
Mykotoxine und Kindergesundheit
(2014-03-20)Mycotoxins are naturally occurring mould toxins produced by fungi that often infect the crop in the field. One of the most frequently detected mycotoxin in cereals is deoxynivalenol (DON). In the European Union, mainly ... -
Social Network Patterns of Sharing Information on Land Use and Agricultural Innovations in Ethnically Heterogeneous Communities in Ecuador
(2014-03-03)A case study in South Ecuador serves as an example to understand the dynamics of adoption of agroforestry species. Agroforestry species become important in land that is totally devoid of forest cover. They can reduce soil ... -
Determinanten der Arbeitgeberwahl von potenziellen Bewerbern in der Ernährungsindustrie
(2013-07-22)The current and also future situation on the work market presents great challenges for the personnel marketing activities of the food producers. At the same time, in the companies the knowledge increasingly prevails, that ... -
Regionalität und Verbrauchereinstellungen - empirische Analysen und Konsequenzen für das Marketing von Regionen und das regionale Lebensmittelmarketing
(2013-01-29)Regional development requires the successful management of possible conflicts involving regional identity, technical innovations, economic growth and environmental pollution. Against this background, this thesis explores ... -
Improving Land Use Planning (LUP) by integration of landslide susceptibility: An economic case study in Maichau District, Hoabinh Province, Vietnam
(2012-12-14)Vietnam is one of the countries in the world impacted severely by climate change. The change of climatic factors will affect land use activities. The prediction of the natural disasters, for example: floods, droughts and ... -
Willingness to pay for and property rights beliefs on river water quality improvements in Central Chile - an application of the Choice Experiment method
(2011-11-24)Although significant improvements have been achieved in past years, river water quality in Chile is still poor in some places. In particular, the negative effect of pulp mil wastewater on river water quality has ... -
Economic valuation of of land use change - A case study on rainforest conversion and agroforestry intensification in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
(2011-07-13)Cocoa is a cash crop which is predominantly cultivated in smallholder agroforestry systems. On a global scale, the expansion of cocoa cultivation area has dominantly taken place in areas ... -
Heterogeneity of peasant land use decision as an effect of differences financial and personal capitals in the area of Biosphere Reserve Podocarpus - El Cóndor , Ecuador
(2011-03-15)Environmental protection and poverty reduction are central issues in United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Both aspects have special importance in the Andes biodiversity hot spot ... -
Economic Valuation of Farm Animal Welfare - Exploring Consumer Preferences and Willingness-to-Pay for the Welfare of Broilers in Germany
(2011-03-11)Estimating the value consumers place on farm animal welfare (FAW) provides information on the extent to which consumers are ready to support policy changes aim at improving the welfare of ... -
Empirische und experimentelle Analyse von Verbrauchereinstellungen gegenüber Mykotoxinrisiken und Lebensmittelkennzeichnungen
(2010-10-08)This study picks up the discussion about mycotoxins as risks in human nutrition and deals with the purpose to advance risk communication to the consumer. There are three major questions: ... -
Klimapolitische Maßnahmen als öffentliche Güter
(2010-09-23)The consequences of the climate change led in many countries of Africa to irreversible dam-ages to the citizens, animals and nature, and as such; creating particularly negative conse-quences ... -
Preferences for Rural Credit Systems and their Impact on the Implementation of Credit Unions in Georgia
(2009-12-11)Preferences for rural credit systems and their impact on the implementation of credit unions in GeorgiaIn the Georgian agricultural sector, the main development constraints are insufficient ...