Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Qaim, Matin Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 64
Demand for Processed Indigenous Fruit and Vegetable Products – Insights from East Africa
(2022-06-24)There is an increasing understanding that food systems need to provide not only calories but micronutrients as well. Simultaneously, consumption patterns are transforming around the globe. Convenience foods that are quick ... -
Links between international trade, local food production, and household living standards: Empirical insights from West Africa
(2022-06-21)Sustainable food production, responsible consumption, poverty reduction, and decent living standards are important global objectives reflected in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In achieving ... -
Policy interventions, perceptions, and pro-environmental behavior for sustainable oil palm cultivation in Indonesia
(2021-12-01)In the last decades, oil palm cultivation has increased rapidly to meet the rising demands for vegetable oils worldwide. While in the 1970s, two million tons of palm oil on 3.3 million hectares of land were produced ... -
Satellitenbasierte Indexversicherungen zur Absicherung des witterungsbedingten Produktionsrisikos in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft
(2021-11-04)This cumulative dissertation examines the hedging effectiveness of satellite-based weather index insurance for both annual crops, such as rice and wheat, and also perennial olive trees and pine stands. Unlike traditional ... -
Analysing Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption of new Technology under the Consideration of Risk Attitudes and Time Preferences
(2021-08-23)Technology adoption in agriculture plays a vital role in coping with exponential population growth. Since the Green Revolution in the 1960s, researchers have been extensively investigating issues and challenges in technology ... -
Nutrition transition in the Indian rural-urban interface
(2021-07-27)While economic growth in many low- and middle-income (LMICs) has led to the reduction of poverty and undernutrition, some of these LMICs are undergoing a simultaneous increase in overnutrition and micronutrient deficiency. ... -
A Blessing in Disguise? Effects of Oil Palm Adoption on Smallholder Farmers’ Wellbeing and Agricultural Transformation in Indonesia
(2021-06-18)Dramatic land-use change in tropical regions due to oil palm expansion has recently raised controversies in the broader public. Indonesia is one of the countries where such rapid land-use change is happening. In many ... -
Land-use change, socioeconomic welfare, and gender roles in rural Indonesia
(2021-06-15)Global population and income growth has driven the demand for agricultural land. This rapid conversion of land use to agriculture has affected the social and economic welfare of local communities within the landscape. ... -
Essays on Agricultural Technology Adoption, Value Chain Development, and Intra-Household Decision-Making
(2020-10-28)While considerable progress has been made over the last 30 years in poverty reduction, about ten percent of the people in the world still live in extreme poverty. It is the field of economics that formulate theories, devise ... -
Sustainable Development: Rural Poverty and Climate Change in Agriculture
(2020-10-27)How to achieve sustainable development is an important issue all over the world. In 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a universal action to ensure social, economic, ... -
The Role of Extension and Sustainable Soil Management in Smallholder Agriculture - Evidence from Ethiopia
(2020-09-24)Rising demand for agricultural commodities coupled with population growth, climate change, declining soil fertility, environmental degradation and rural poverty in the develop-ing world call for strategies to sustainably ... -
Essays on Trust, Mobile Phones, and Nutrition among Pastoralists in Northern Kenya
(2020-09-08)The arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) cover close to 90 per cent of Kenya's landmass and are home to nearly 30 per cent of its population. Historically, the ASAL have however suffered from limited political representation, ... -
The Effects of Marketing Contracts and Resource-providing Contracts: Comparisons in the Small Farm Sector in Ghana
(2020-08-12)Agri-food systems in developing countries are undergoing a rapid transformation, characterized by modernizing supply chains and the rising importance of highervalue products. Participation of smallholder farmers in the ... -
Food sustainability standards and agricultural cooperatives: implications for the small farm sector of Côte d’Ivoire
(2020-07-23)Sustainability standards such as Fairtrade, UTZ, and Rainforest Alliance have recently gained importance in global value chains, with some of the major tropical commodities seeing significant increases in the share of their ... -
Policies and Management Practices for Sustainable Oil Palm - Evidence from Indonesia
(2020-07-17)Changing consumption patterns and a growing world population have resulted in an increased demand for vegetable oil. Due to its price advantages and suitable chemical properties, in particular the demand for palm oil has ... -
Can modern food retailers improve diets and nutrition in urban Africa? Empirical evidence from Zambia
(2020-06-03)In many developing countries, food environments are changing rapidly, with modern food retailers – such as supermarkets and convenience stores – increasingly replacing or complementing traditional food retailers. In ... -
Assessing the Role of Women Empowerment for Food Security and Nutrition: Empirical Evidence from Tunisia and India
(2019-07-18)Equality for women in all areas of life is not only a fundamental human right, but is also a crucial prerequisite for achieving human development goals. Women constitute half of the world ... -
Versicherungen als Risikomanagementinstrumente in der Landwirtschaft - Über staatliche Unterstützung und die Beurteilung satellitenbasierter Indexversicherungen
(2019-05-27)Increasing price and production risks in agriculture require an effective on-farm risk man-agement. Against this background, this dissertation focusses on agricultural insurance. There-fore, the first part of this dissertation, ... -
Food Security and Dietary Patterns among the Urban Poor in Africa
(2019-05-13)Persistent poverty and rapid urbanization are important development challenges in most African countries. Although the proportion of people living in extreme poverty in Africa could be reduced over the last few decades, ... -
Pro-environmental behavior among Indonesian oil palm smallholders: Understanding perceptions, intentions and actions
(2019-01-11)The conversion of biologically rich areas into agricultural land undermines the capacity of these lands to sustain and maintain vital ecosystem functions. This is mostly the case when the conversion includes the simplification ...