Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor & Referee "Tangermann, Stefan Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
The Implications of ASEAN FreeTrade Area (AFTA) on Agricultural Trade (A recursive dynamic General Equilibrium Model)
(2004-06-23)The establishment of the AFTA raised concerns related to the inclusion of raw agricultural products into the agreement. This agreement would have negative impacts on welfare of thousand ... -
Effects of Including Agricultural Products in the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU
(2004-02-16)This study analyzes alternative options for future Turkish agricultural policies in the context of agricultural trade relations between Turkey and the EU. Initially, agricultural markets ... -
Effekte des Beitritts Polens zur EU auf das Angebotsverhalten polnischer Molkereien
(2003-02-25)In the course of Poland's accession to the EU the Polish agri-food sector will be subjected to the rules of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and its Common Market. This study conducts ... -
Competitiveness of Polish Milk Processing Industry During the Integration to the European Union
(2001-12-04)To analyse competitiveness of Polish milk processing industry during Poland's integration to the EU the study employs the concept of comparative advantage of international trade theory. It has been shown that the mechanism ...