Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Isermeyer, Folkhard Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Produktionsökonomische Analyse von Tierwohlmaßnahmen in typischen Milchviehbetrieben Nordwestdeutschlands
(2023-12-01)Farm animal husbandry is the most important sector of the German agriculture and food industry. With an overall share of 22 percent of the production value of agriculture, milk production is of particularly great economic ... -
Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes – Anpassungsoptionen, Kosten und Möglichkeiten zur umweltpolitischen Steuerung
(2023-02-10)Plant protection products are a significant component of conventional arable farming in Germany. They have helped increase land productivity and reduce yield losses, thereby providing a significant contribution to food ... -
Modeling regional supply responses using farm-level economic data and a biophysical model: a case study on Brazilian land-use change
(2021-11-04)Estimating farmers’ supply responses to changes in framework conditions is important to inform decision-makers on the expected impacts on production volume as well as the resulting land-use shifts. Existing agricultural ... -
Milchproduktion in Deutschland und Europa nach der Liberalisierung - Abschätzung künftiger Entwicklungen mit unterschiedlichen analytischen Ansätzen
(2012-01-17)The liberalisation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is forcing dairy farmers and dairy processors to face national and international competition. Changes in the milk market are to ... -
Kombination von FADN- und IFCN-Datensätzen in der Politikfolgenanalyse - untersucht am Beispiel der EU-Milchmarktpolitik
(2008-11-26)An important task in scientific policy consulting is to estimate how agricultural policy reforms and changing framework conditions impact farms and to what extent the farms can adjust. ...