Browsing Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Märländer, Bernward Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Charakterisierung von resistenz-überwindenden Isolaten des Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) in Zuckerrüben und Stabilität der Resistenz in Abhängigkeit von Umweltbedingungen
(2013-06-18)Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is the causal agent of rhizomania (root madness) in sugar beet and is spread to all sugar beet growing areas worldwide. The virus is transmitted by the soil-borne plasmodiophoromycete ... -
Fusarium infection of bread wheat and subsequent mycotoxin contamination of milling products: Impact on quality parameters and composition of flour
(2011-12-15)Fusarium head blight (FHB) of wheat is a worldwide occurring disease reducing both grain yield and wheat quality. Grain quality is primarily degraded because of mycotoxins produced by several ... -
Landtechnische Methoden zur Erfassung von Bodenverdichtungen
(2011-11-10)Sustainable use of arable soil is essential for world food security. Soil degradation by over-compaction is counteracting this goal. Long-term conventional tillage (plough) and heavy ... -
Einflussfaktoren der Mykotoxinbildung durch Ährenbefall mit Fusarium spp. in verschiedenen Winterweizenfruchtfolgen
(2011-04-07)In the present study agronomic and climatic factors contributing to mycotoxin production in wheat ears by Fusarium spp. were examined under controlled and field conditions. Particular ... -
Fusarium in Zuckerrüben - Artspektrum, Pathogenität und Mykotoxinbildung sowie Kreuzpathogenität in Weizen
(2011-03-02)Fusarium spp. can infect sugar beets in all growth stages and during storage. Especially in the U.S., root and white sugar yield is reduced by Fusarium Yellows. Fusarium spp. are also ... -
Reasons for the Underperformance of Clean Development Mechanism Project Activities in the Animal Waste Management Sector
(2010-07-20)INTRODUCTION The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the flexible, project based mechanisms of the Kyoto protocol, which came into force in 2005. The projects participating in this ... -
Die Neigung zu Schwarzfleckigkeit bei Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Knollenphysiologie
(2009-10-21)Mechanical impact caused by harvesting and handling operations enhanced the susceptibility towards blackspot of potato tubers. Blackspot reduced the internal quality of potato tubers, which ... -
Zukünftige regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Zuckerrübenanbaus und Entwicklungsperspektiven ausgewählter Rübenanbaubetriebe an Standorten Norddeutschlands und Osteuropas
(2009-03-18)The reform of the sugar market organisation enacted on November, 24th 2005 by the European ministers of agriculture reduces the extent of protectionism of the European sugar market. The ... -
Zur Bedeutung der Bodenstruktur für den Ertrag von Zuckerrüben
(2009-02-04)In the beginning of the 1990th a large-scale field trial with permanent plots on arable farms in southern and eastern Germany was established to determine the effect of various tillage ... -
Reduktion des Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes - Konsequenzen für das Schaderregerauftreten und die Wirtschaftlichkeit in Getreide-Zuckerrübe-Fruchtfolgen
(2008-08-11)The discussion about the application of crop protection chemicals in recent years has led to the initiation of the "Program for the Reduction of Plant Protecting Chemicals." This demands that the use of plant protecting ... -
Genetische Analyse von Heterosis im jüngsten Stadium einer Pflanze, als Embryo, am Beispiel der Fababohne (<i>Vicia faba </i>L.)
(2007-12-17)Heterosis, defined as the surplus performance of the hybrid over the mean of its parents, is a well analysed phenomenon, and still since today its causes and modes of action are not yet ... -
Beitrag zur Ermittlung der biochemischen Ursachen der Schwarzfleckigkeit bei Kartoffeln
(2007-10-23)Blackspot in potato tubers occurs after mechanical damage of the tubers during harvest, transportation and storage. The particularity of this qualtiy problem is a gradual discolouration of ... -
Epidemiologie von Cercospora beticola Sacc. und Befalls-Verlust-Relationen bei Zuckerrüben (Beta vulgaris L.) in Abhängigkeit von der Anfälligkeit von Sorten und Konsequenzen für sortenspezifische Bekämpfungsschwellensysteme
(2007-10-09)The most important pathogen of leaf spots in sugar beet is Cercospora beticola (Sacc.). The fungus reduces the assimilation rate due to a decreasing photosynthetically active leaf area. As ... -
Pollen Genotype Effects on Seed Quality and Selection of Single Seeds by Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) in Winter Oilseed Rape
(2004-09-08)Oilseed rape is one of the most important oilseed crops of the world. Because of the success in quality breeding, the growing area of oilseed rape is gradually increasing. Although the seed ... -
Agronomic performance and genetic diversity of the root crop yam bean (Pachyrhizus spp.) under West African conditions
(2003-12-02)The yam bean (Pachyrhizus spp.) is a legume root crop usually known as a vegetable crop. Three cultivated species are distinguished: Amazonian yam bean (P. tuberosus), Mexican yam bean ... -
Erfassung von Resistenz und Toleranz gegen den Rübenzystennematoden (Heterodera schachtii) in Feldversuchen mit Zuckerrüben und Einfluss einer resistenten Sorte auf die Entwicklung des Nematoden sowie auf seine pilzlichen Eiparasiten
(2002-03-08)Since 1998 a sugar beet variety is available on the german market which is resistant against Heterodera schachtii. This crop was cultivated in a three year program (1998-2000) on four places in different regions of Germany. ...