Browsing Philosophische Fakultät by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 278
Monadologie und Intersubjektivität: Drei Konzeptionen der Einfühlung in der Phänomenologie Husserls
(2023-12-22)This thesis presents, following Edmund Husserl’s philosophy, a phenomenological monadology in which three levels of the monad are differentiated: transcendental consciousness, the psycho-physical unit and the person; and ... -
Providence Island Sign Language in Interaction
(2023-12-15)This dissertation examines sign language in interaction in a small Caribbean community. Providence Island Sign Language, used among deaf and hearing residents of in Providence, Colombia (Spanish: Providencia), has been ... -
Die medizinische Begleitung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Geschlechtsinkongruenz/ Geschlechtsdysphorie und das Problem der Diskriminierung im Gesundheitswesen
(2023-12-04)This cumulative dissertation examines discrimination as a concept and as a social phenomenon. It does so by focusing on the currently controversially discussed example of medical care of children and adolescents who identify ... -
Expertise vermitteln. Das Bezugssystem der Lerndimensionen.
(2023-12-04)This dissertation investigates in which way teaching expertise and professional practise can be transmitted through out conversation management in learning interactions. Follow-up discussions in traineeship for teacher ... -
A World through Words: Dengbêjî, Kilam, and Collective Memory
(2023-11-17)This dissertation analyzes aspects of the dengbêjî tradition among Kurdish-Kurmanj communities in the context of collective memory. It argues that dengbêjî is a means of preserving a considerable number of narratives in ... -
Exploring Migrant Lives
(2023-08-10)The thesis investigates the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion for non-elite South Asian migrants in European port cities in the interwar period through the lens of two historic biographies. The focus of the study is ... -
Novela chilena, mercado editorial transnacional y configuración del capital cultural en el campo literario del siglo XXI
(2023-07-28)The following doctoral thesis addresses the relationship between the transnational publishing market in Spanish and the development of a national literature, in this case focusing on the Chilean novel narrative of the late ... -
Monotheisierende Ansätze in der aztekischen Religion?
(2023-07-14)Tloque Nahuaque and Ipalnemohua are two religious Aztec terms that are frequently found as designations of god(s) in post-colonial literature, both on the part of the Aztecs and the colonialists. The question that arises ... -
Freedom and Desire: From Mute to #Me Too. An Aftermath of Nabokov’s Lolita in the 21 st Century.
(2023-07-13)Nabokov’s novel Lolita was published in the middle of the 20th century, almost 70 years ago. In this work, I would like to trace how its critical perception has changed due to the #MeToo phenomenon of the 21st ... -
War as Family Affair: The Role of African Women in World War One in German East Africa, 1914-1918
(2023-07-07)This study explores the role of African women during WWI in German East Africa in the period from 1914 to 1918. Historically, like women in other parts of the world, African women have contributed to the war efforts in ... -
The Politics of Dance and The Poetics of Space: Kurdish Dances in Germany
(2023-05-23)Due to intellectual property rights the abstract of this work is not availabe online. -
Queer Humanitarianism in the Time of War: The Global Emergence of Syrian LGBT Refugees
(2023-05-17)This cumulative dissertation traces the recent emergence of Syrian lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) refugees as a constituency in global discourses around humanitarianism, migration, asylum, and LGBT politics. ... -
Grenzfälle der Fiktionalität
(2023-02-23)We repeatedly encounter fictional texts both within and outside literary studies. However, such texts often do not seem to be purely fictional, but contain borrowings from reality or even (supposedly) non-fictional elements. ... -
Remeasuring China: the Global and Local Dimensions of Nanjing Metrological Reform
(2022-12-14)This dissertation examines the history of meter, liter, and gram in republican China. It seeks to understand the historical transition of Chinese metrology from indigenous measures to the global metric system and its global ... -
„Direct to Consumer“-Gentestangebote (DTC GT) im Internet – Eine empirisch-ethische Untersuchung kommunikationsethischer Aspekte unter Berücksichtigung der Perspektive medizinischer Lai*innen mit Fokusgruppen
(2022-11-22)The cumulative dissertation examines direct to consumer genetic testing (DTC GT) with regard to the communication-ethical dimension of its marketing and with special consideration of the perspective of medical lay people. ... -
Schöpfungsgeschichte und Sintflut in vorbiblischen Quellen, Bibel und Koran: Eine vergleichende Lektüre
(2022-09-14)Creation story and Flood narrative in different cultures -
The impact of verb type on word order in German Sign Language
(2022-08-11)Word order is one of the best studied and most discussed issues in spoken and sign language linguistics. Therefore, it is stunning that there is yet no broader empirical investigation of word order phenomena in German Sign ... -
Die Poetologie des Zweifels
(2022-08-01)Research on Günter Grass has so far focused mainly on his early works and the Danzig Trilogy. Much less attention has been directed at his late works and their unifying aspects. Yet Grass himself designated three of his ... -
The features of binding and person licensing
(2022-07-20)This thesis is concerned with the features that underlie the syntax of reflexive binding and person licensing, addressing two competing analyses within Agree-based frameworks, namely φ-feature-based and referential-feature-based ... -
Subjektkonstitution als spezifisches Merkmal des deutschen bürgerlichen Trauerspiels
(2022-07-19)The thesis deals with the genre of the German domestic tragedy. It is based on a scale of figur development from the literarily defined type via the individual to the self-reflective subject. These categories are closely ...