Browsing Philologie by Advisor "Detering, Heinrich Prof. Dr. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Die Poetologie des Zweifels
(2022-08-01)Research on Günter Grass has so far focused mainly on his early works and the Danzig Trilogy. Much less attention has been directed at his late works and their unifying aspects. Yet Grass himself designated three of his ... -
Günter Grass und die bildende Kunst
(2019-05-24)Prior to embarking on his literary career Günter Grass had studied visual arts from 1948 to 1955. Modelling and drawing would accompany his writings thereafter, with drawings and sculptures, metaphors and allegories mingling ... -
Historisches Rauschen. Das geschichtslyrische Werk Thomas Klings
(2012-01-09)When the German poet and essayist Thomas Kling died in April 2005, he was widely regarded as a historian among the poets (Cornelia Jentzsch) whose poetry not only deals with history in ... -
Zur Darstellung künstlerischer Existenz in Thomas Manns frühen Erzählungen Der kleine Herr Friedemann, Schwere Stunde und Das Wunderkind.
(2009-03-31)The term "genius", used in the German tradition of genius or the history of literature, is in Thomas Mann"s three small novells "Der kleine Herr Friedemann", "Schwere Stunde" and "Das ...