Browsing Fakultät für Chemie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Lackner, Helmut Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Marine and Terrestrial Bacteria: Isoquinolinequinones, Bacterial Compounds with a Novel Pharmacophor
(2005-01-17)After a chemical and biological pre-screening of bacterial extracts, 17 Streptomycetes (including eleven terrestrial and six marine-derived strains) and ten North Sea bacteria (including ... -
Metabolite aus marinen und terrestrischen Bakterien und Pilzen sowie Untersuchungen von Invertebraten der Tiefsee
(2003-07-25)In this work 24 bacterial and eight fungi strains were submitted to the chemical screening for their ability to produce secondary metabolites. 17 of the bacterial and all fungi strains were ... -
Investigation of Secondary Metabolites of North Sea Bacteria: Fermentation, Isolation, Structure Elucidation and Bioactivity
(2003-06-24)In this work 39 bacterial strains from the North Sea were submitted to the chemical and biological screening and due to the results four strains were examined thoroughly for interesting ... -
Syntheses, Structures, and Reactivity of Divalent Germanium and Tin Compounds Containing a Diketiminato Ligand
(2002-10-15)In this thesis, diketiminato ligands have been employed as a supporting moiety for germanium and tin compounds. The experimental results demonstrate that steric bulk and additional ... -
Untersuchungen zum Sekundärmetabolismus arktischer und antarktischer Meereisbakterien
(2002-09-04)In this work psychrophile bacteria from arctic and antarctic sea-ice were submitted to a chemical and biological screening and due to the results some were examined thoroughly for interesting ... -
Palladium-katalysierte Domino-Reaktionen zum Aufbau bi- und tricyclischer Systeme
(2001-08-30)Domino-processes between palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions - Heck-reaction and Enyne-Cycloisomerization - followed by Diels-Alder-reactions have been studied. The ... -
Selektive Halogenierungen unter Phasentransferbedingungen: Mechanistische Untersuchungen und Synthetische Anwendungen
(2001-08-01)The present thesis deals with a new selective method for halogenation (Cl, Br,I) of organic compounds in multiphase systems. Systematic variations of the reaction conditions led to strong ... -
Organokatalyse von Diels-Alder-Reaktionen durch neutrale Wasserstoffbrückendonoren in organischen und wässrigen Lösungsmitteln
(2001-07-30)The catalytic activity of substituted thioureas in a series of Diels-Alder reactions and 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions was studied. The kinetic data reveal that the observed relative rate ... -
Intramolekulare En- und Allylsilancyclisierungen von Alkyliden- und Benzyliden-1,3-dicarbonylverbindungen
(2001-06-20)This thesis describes the synthetic potential of alkylidene- and benzylidene-1,3-dicarbonylcompounds in intramolecular reactions. Chiral and prochiral compounds led in intramolecular ene-reactions to 1,2-disubstituted ...