Browsing Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Corre, Marife Dr."
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Nutrient response efficiency, soil greenhouse gas fluxes, and nutrient leaching losses from a large-scale oil palm plantation under conventional and reduced management practices
(2023-07-06)The area of oil palm plantations has expanded rapidly in the tropics over the past few decades due to the high demand for palm oil and the considerable economic benefits. Oil palm is playing a vital role in the global ... -
Responses of net primary production and plant-available soil nutrients to elevated nutrient input in a tropical forest on highly weathered soil
(2022-06-07)Globally, tropical forests are highly productive ecosystems and play a critical role in sequestering anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, accounting for up to half of the terrestrial biosphere’s carbon ... -
Gross N2O emission and gross N2O uptake in temperate cropland agroforestry and monoculture systems
(2022-02-24)Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas and also the remaining threat to the ozone layer. N2O emission is mainly from cropland accounting for 82% of the global N2O increase, which is of great concern for policymakers ... -
The effect of reduced management intensity on soil nutrient dynamics in a large-scale oil palm plantation: soil nitrogen cycle, asymbiotic nitrogen fixation and nutrient leaching losses
(2020-08-04)Oil palm plantations are rapidly expanding in the tropics, triggered by increasing demand of vegetable oil and by their high productivity. Large part of palm oil is produced in large-scale plantations employing intensive ... -
Soil greenhouse gas fluxes under elevated nutrient input along an elevation gradient of tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador
(2014-10-29)Tropical forest soils play an important role in Earth’s climate, by exchanging large amounts of greenhouse gases (GHGs) with the atmosphere. This important function might however be altered by human activities, which ... -
Canopy soil nutrient cycling and response to elevated nutrient levels along an elevation gradient of tropical montane forests
(2014-04-24)Although canopy soils can contribute significantly to aboveground labile biomass, they are often overlooked in nutrient cycling studies. In forests with large accumulations of canopy soil, such as those found in tropical ... -
Soil nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide emissions from a tropical lowland and montane forest exposed to elevated nitrogen input
(2010-01-15)Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is rapidly increasing in tropical regions, mainly due to enhanced agricultural use of N fertilizer, combustion of fossil fuels, biomass burning and ... -
Effects of increased nitrogen input on the net primary production of a tropical lower montane rain foest, Panama
(2009-09-11)Increasing anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition from agricultural and industrial use, legume cultivation, combustion of fossil fuels, and biomass burning has until recently been a problem ...