Browsing Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Lamersdorf, Norbert Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Dynamics and effects of nitrogen in European forest ecosystems
(2023-10-23)Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) emissions drastically altered the global N cycle over the 20th century. Activities associated with N emissions, such as intensive agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels, greatly increased ... -
Risiken und Chancen des Paulownia-Anbaus unter mitteleuropäischen Bedingungen
(2021-11-23)Introduction Paulownia is one of the oldest tree genera in the world actively cultivated by humans. First written records date back to 1000 BC (Barton, 2007). An exact determination of the natural distribution is no longer ... -
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Short Rotation Coppice with Regard to the Amount and Quality of Groundwater Recharge
(2020-09-02)While there is broad agreement on the positive environmental impacts of short rotation plantations (SRC), possible negative impacts on groundwater recharge due to potentially high water consumption of trees on arabale land ... -
The effect of reduced management intensity on soil nutrient dynamics in a large-scale oil palm plantation: soil nitrogen cycle, asymbiotic nitrogen fixation and nutrient leaching losses
(2020-08-04)Oil palm plantations are rapidly expanding in the tropics, triggered by increasing demand of vegetable oil and by their high productivity. Large part of palm oil is produced in large-scale plantations employing intensive ... -
Der Einfluss von Stickstoff und Trockenheit auf die Vitalität einer Hainbuchen- und Kiefernverjüngung
(2019-05-29)Due to its physical properties Biochar has the potential of stabilizing a forest rejuvenation during periods of drought. To verify this, a field trial was set up in 2014 in the Hessian Ried. The observed mortality of the ... -
Implementierung und bodenökologische Charakterisierung von Kurzumtriebsplantagen und Agroforstsystemen am Beispiel der Bioenergie-Regionen "Göttinger Land" & "Thüringer Ackerebene"
(2014-12-15)In the context of climate change and the decrease of fossil fuels the production of renewable energies should be extended. The use of biomass is one option to help secure the energy supply. Based on the need for regional ... -
Rekultivierung von Tagebaufolgeflächen mit verschiedenen Bodenhilfsstoffen und Baumarten
(2014-03-19)Due to surface mining activities such as removing the topsoil, mixing of soil layers in the backfill of abandoned open pits and usage of heavy machines, former surface mining areas usually offer extremely difficult site ... -
Phytodiversity in Short Rotation Coppice plantations
(2012-07-19)Woody biomass plantations are considered the most crucial source of biomass used for energy production. An increasing demand for wood from Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) plantations is predicted for the nearer future and ... -
The impact of canopy composition on the nutritional statusof an admixed spruce and beech forest at Solling,central Germany
(2008-04-11)It was hypothesised that in mixed spruce-beech forest ecosystems the heterogeneity in canopy composition may create different micro-sites (units) in the forest floor and the mineral soil with different ecological cha ...