Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Ibisch, Pierre Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Adaptation to climate change as a key element in strategic planning of biodiversity conservation in Latin America, with special reference to the Santa Cruz department, Bolivia
(2014-06-25)This study is based on a conceptual analysis of climate-induced stresses as well as the revision of management plans of protected areas across the Americas, with a particular focus on the protected areas of the Santa Cruz ... -
Wissensgestütztes Beobachtungs- und Evaluierungssystem der Landnutzung
(2006-07-11)This dissertation develops a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system to assess the conservation status of the forest located in the influence area of the gas-pipeline San Miguel-Cuiabá in ... -
Changes in tropical rainforests landscapes as a consequence of selective logging and indigenous shifting cultivation in Forest Reserve Imataca (central zone) Bolívar State, Venezuela.
(2005-07-27)The degradation process of tropical land forests caused by traditional indigenous agriculture and commercial logging was evaluated in the central sector of the Forest Reserve Imataca in the ... -
Landowners and biodiversity: Analysis of the potential of conservation on private land in the East of Bolivia
(2005-03-21)This study discusses the advantages and constraints of the involvement of private landowners in biodiversity conservation as well as the measures and strategies to accomplish this task. The ...