Browsing Fakultät für Geowissenschaften und Geographie (inkl. GAUSS) by Referee "Sauter, Martin Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Lower Cretaceous Geothermal Reservoirs in the North German Basin
(2023-10-02)This thesis contributes to the strategic effort to make Germany’s energy supply more sustainable. The primary focus of this study was to enhance and update the geological knowledge of the Mesozoic deep geothermal sandstone ... -
Impact of climate change on recharge and vadose-phreatic storage dynamics of a Mediterranean karst aquifer: Quantitative approach for the management of a complex groundwater resource
(2023-04-11)The Mediterranean basin will be severely affected by global warming and decreased average rainfall and is often portrayed as the most prominent climate change hotspot. At the same time, the Mediterranean basin is endowed ... -
Numerical simulation of permeability heterogeneity in single- and two-phase flow systems to assess the performance of enhanced geothermal system
(2022-11-09)The development of Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) technology leads to the possibility of an extensive application of geothermal energy, which is attractive because of its ability to reduce CO2 emissions and dependence ... -
Hydrochemical and environmental isotope study of the geothermal water in Mae Chan (North) and Ranong (South) geothermal areas in Thailand
(2021-05-28)The exploration and development of geothermal resources in Thailand have been investigated for electricity generation since 1946. In total, 112 hot springs are manifested which mostly scattered at the granite body from the ... -
Th-U series radionuclides in the characterization of geothermal reservoirs (Bruchsal, SW Germany)
(2020-10-08)A sophisticated analysis of naturally occurring nuclides has the potential to support geothermal energ\ e[ploitation during various stages of a project·s life c\cle. One possible methodological approach is based on the ... -
Automated data processing and numerical methods for travel-time based hydraulic tomography
(2020-08-13)Travel time based hydraulic tomography is a useful and promising technique for reconstructing the spatial distribution of aquifer hydraulic properties (e.g., hydraulic diffusivity). Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction ... -
Preferential flow dynamics in the vadose zone of fractured and fractured-porous media: Development of a parallelized multi-scale Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics model
(2020-03-23)The main objective of this thesis is the development of a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model to study preferential flow dynamics in partially saturated porous-fractured media at core- and micro scale. The research ... -
Structural control on fluid migration in inverted sedimentary basins
(2019-04-30)Analogue studies in earth sciences are crucial for the understanding of various geological environments that may serve as future storage sites for carbon dioxide captured at an industrial scale. The feasibility of CCS pilot ... -
Conceptual Planning of Managed Aquifer Recharge in the Context of Integrated Water Resources Management for a semi-arid and a tropical Case Study in Palestine and Brazil: A new Integrated MAR Planning Approach.
(2018-08-07)This thesis focuses on the development, application and evaluation of new integrative approach for the planning of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) concepts in the context of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The ... -
Identification and quantification of the effects of flow regime and matrix-conduit interaction in the characterization of karst aquifers
(2018-03-13)In addition to alluvial aquifers, karst aquifers are counted among the most important groundwater resources. Besides the high benefit of karstic springs, they also pose risks to the user or people living close to those ... -
Single-well tracer push-pull method development for subsurface process characterization
(2016-12-07)Geological inherent knowledge, hydraulic test and geophysical methods can estimate most of the stimulated georeservoir properties. The transport effective parameters such as fracture aperture and effective porosity cannot ... -
Fault zones in potential geothermal reservoir rocks in the Upper Rhine Graben: Characteristics, permeability implications, and numerical stress field models
(2016-07-26)Fault zones in carbonate successions of the Middle Triassic Muschelkalk are potential target structures of hydrothermal projects in the Upper Rhine Graben (URG). A mixed-method approach was applied to make assumptions on ... -
The role of fault zones on structure, operation and prospects of geothermal reservoirs - A case study in Lahendong, Indonesia
(2015-05-27)Expiration of fossil fuels and climate irregularities directs the energy demands towards renewable energy sources for the energy supply in future. In this frame, geothermal energy gives a substantial contribution to the ... -
Investigations on groundwater dewatering by using vertical circulation wells: Numerical simulation method development and field validation
(2015-03-06)Construction dewatering is a common engineering problem encountered at construction and mining sites. Successful site dewatering requires proper design and implementation of groundwater lowering techniques depending on ... -
Organische Spurenstoffe als Indikatoren zur Charakterisierung komplexer Grundwassersysteme
(2015-02-10)Conventional hydrogeological methods (e.g. water level contour maps, hydrographs, pumping tests) can only provide limited information for the basic characterization of complex aquifers, namley catchment delineation, deriving ... -
Improved tracer techniques for georeservoir applications
(2015-01-26)For an efficient and sustainable use of georeservoirs, optimal reservoir management procedures are required. Such procedures often rely on tracer tests. Due to in-situ interactions between the tracer and the reservoir, ... -
Flow and transport in saturated and unsaturated fractured porous media: Development of particle-based modeling approaches
(2014-10-13)The main objective of this thesis is the development of particle-based flow and transport models to assist in the characterization of small-scale flow features and provide insight into the complex flow and transport dynamics ... -
Outcrop analogue studies of rocks from the Northwest German Basin for geothermal exploration and exploitation
(2014-10-09)Rock heterogeneities in terms of layering and fault zones are common phenomena in sedimentary basins such as the Northwest German Basin (NWGB). At geothermal projects, these heterogeneous rock properties affect many issues ... -
Hydrogeological characterisation of karst aquifers in semi-arid environments at the catchment scale – Example of the Western Lower Jordan Valley
(2014-09-26)The main objective of the study is the characterisation of karstified carbonate aquifers in the semi- arid climate zone, where groundwater resources are frequently threatened by overexploitation and pollution. Despite often ... -
Fate of organic micropollutants in a karst aquifer system - Implications for sustainable raw water management
(2014-08-20)The fundamental understanding of karst aquifers is vital for the sustainable management of raw water quality and eventually the access to clean drinking water for up to one quarter of the world’s population. In order to ...