Browsing Fakultät für Physik (inkl. GAUSS) by Advisor "Kirchheim, Reiner Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Mikrostrukturänderungen durch hohe elektrische Stromdichten in Eisen-Kohlenstoff Dünnschichten
(2021-08-11)Processing of materials with high electric and magnetic fields is a growing topic in material science. Yet, the interactions of fields and currents are complex and not fully understood. Therefore, the impact of high direct ... -
Zur Wasserstoff-induzierten Riss- und Blisterbildung in Eisen
(2017-01-27)Hydrogen-induced damage is a serious problem in various applications of metals. In this work, hydrogen-induced cracking in iron was investigated. The samples were loaded with hydrogen electrochemically. The loading results ... -
Einfluss von gelöstem Wasserstoff auf die Versetzungsbildung bei plastischer Verformung von Metallen
(2016-03-11)Dissolved hydrogen in metals leads in many cases to a reduction in the quality of mechanical properties. There are many effects that can be attributed to the solution of hydrogen. These are collectively referred to as ... -
Nickel-Diffusion in α-Eisen übersättigt mit Kohlenstoff
(2013-07-18)In cold-drawn pearlitic steel wires dissociation of cementite occurs during mechanical deformation. This phenomenon has substantial influence on the physical properties of the material owing to the defect structure which ... -
Untersuchung atomarer Strukturen an geordnetem und nanokristallinem ternären Fe3Al
(2011-08-25)This work presents a study of the atomic ordering of Fe3Al with the additions chromium, manganese, titanium and vanadium. This knowledge is the basis of a complete comprehension of the ... -
Bestimmung von Platzbesetzung und Bindungsenergien mittels Atomsondentomographie
(2010-07-22)The site occupation of ternary elements in an intermetallic phase is an important area in materials science. Up to now X-Ray based methods and a TEM based method called Atom Location by ... -
Investigation of the segregation behaviour in nanocrystalline materials
(2010-03-04)The ability to chemically identify single atoms in combination with 3D reconstruction of these atoms is the unique characteristic of atom probe tomography (APT). Hence, it has been applied ... -
Controlled delamination of metal films by hydrogen loading
(2009-01-28)In this work we quantitatively determine the adhesion energy between metal films and their substrates. Therefore a new controlled buckling technique is established, applying the strong ... -
Feldinduzierte Tieftemperaturoxidation nanoskaliger Metall- und Halbleiterstrukturen
(2008-12-04)At the surface of almost all metals and semiconductors oxide formation occurs when exposed to atmosphere. The oxidation reaction proceeds along a number of partial reaction steps with the ... -
Short range ordering and microstructure property relationship in amorphous alloys
(2007-01-29)A novel algorithm, "Next Neighbourhood Evaluation (NNE)", is enunciated during the course of this work, to elucidate the next neighbourhood atomic vicinity from the data, analysed using ... -
Mechanical spectroscopy of polymers with reduced dimensions and increasing cross-linking degree
(2006-07-10)The effect of reduced dimensions and increasing cross-linking degree on dynamics of polymer chains near the glass transition temperature, Tg, have been studied by means of the Vibrating ... -
Zum Einfluss der elastischen Verzerrungsenergie auf die Frühstadien der Entmischung von Cu2at.%Co
(2005-10-07)In the present work the decomposition in the Cu2at.%Co system was characterized at 703K, 763K und 853K by means of Field Ion Microscopy (FIM), Tomographic Atom Probe (TAP) and Field Ion ... -
Nanoskalige Metall-Wasserstoff-Systeme
(2005-09-30)What happens to a metal when its size is reduced? What changes are expected, what has to be taken into account? By taking the metal-hydrogen system (M-H-system) as model system this book ... -
Korngrenzsegregation in Silber-Nickel und Kupfer-Wismut Legierungen
(2005-09-30)The objective of this study is the characterization of the grain boundary segregation in Ag-Ni and Cu-Bi alloys by means of tomographic atom probe (TAP) and other high resolution characterizing ... -
Size-selective synthesis of nanometer-sized Palladium clusters and their hydrogen solvation behaviour
(2004-04-07)Nanometer-sized palladium clusters were prepared and studied in this work; First, different cluster sizes were prepared using an electrochemical technique. Second, the interaction of the ... -
Wachstum und Grenzflächenbeschaffenheit oxidischer Ausscheidungen in Silber
(2003-12-02)The chemical composition of metal/oxide (M/O)- interfaces was studied for an internally oxidized Ag1at.%Mg- and Ag1at.%Mn- alloy with MgO- and Mn3O4- nanoprecipitates in a dilute Ag matrix, ... -
Untersuchungen zur Korngrenzensegregation in nanokristallinen Al-Cu- und Co-P-Legierungen mittels 3d-Atomsondentomographie
(2003-11-28)The objective of this work is the characterization of nanocrystalline Al-Cu and Co-P alloys by means of the tomographic atom probe (TAP) and other characterizing techniques. It is of ... -
Löslichkeit und Diffusion von Wasserstoff in dünnen Schichten amorpher ZrTiNiCuBe- und ZrAlNiCu-Legierungen
(2003-02-12)In this work the solubility of hydrogen in amorphous alloys consisting of more than two elements is investigated theoretically as well as experimentaly. By modelling, the asumption is made ... -
Hochauflösende Untersuchung der lokalen Wasserstoffverteilung in metallischen Multischichten mit Hilfe der tomographischen Atomsonde und der Sekundärionenmassenspektrometrie
(2001-11-07)Chemical analyses of hydrogen loaded metallic multilayers on a subnanometer scale using the time-of-flight-methods tomographic atomprobe (TAP) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) are reported. The results are discussed ... -
Nanoanalyse der Frühstadien der Interreaktion im System Al/Ni mittels 3D-Atomsondentomographie
(2001-08-07)Metallic multilayers of layer thicknesses of only a few nanometers are attracting an increasing attetntion in industrial applications. The physical properties of such layered systems are ...