Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Feil, Jan-Henning Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
CO2-Bindung in landwirtschaftlichen Böden durch Humusaufbau - Untersuchungen zur Teilnahmebereitschaft landwirtschaftlicher UnternehmerInnen an Humusprogrammen
(2024-12-19)In order to counteract climate change, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the existing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Agricultural soils have a great potential to store carbon ... -
Produktionsökonomische Analyse von Tierwohlmaßnahmen in typischen Milchviehbetrieben Nordwestdeutschlands
(2023-12-01)Farm animal husbandry is the most important sector of the German agriculture and food industry. With an overall share of 22 percent of the production value of agriculture, milk production is of particularly great economic ... -
Einkommensrisiken und Extremereignisse in der deutschen Landwirtschaft – Risikoanalysen und Untersuchungen des unternehmerischen Entscheidungsverhaltens
(2023-07-07)Extreme yield and price fluctuations burden farms, may threaten their viability and lead to public disaster relief. Therefore, efficient and well-planned farm risk management is crucial for agriculture and agricultural ... -
Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des Pflanzenschutzmitteleinsatzes – Anpassungsoptionen, Kosten und Möglichkeiten zur umweltpolitischen Steuerung
(2023-02-10)Plant protection products are a significant component of conventional arable farming in Germany. They have helped increase land productivity and reduce yield losses, thereby providing a significant contribution to food ... -
The Acceptance and Profitability of Mixed Cropping with Legumes and Non-Legumes
(2021-11-04)Mixed cropping, the simultaneous cultivation of two or more coexisting crops in one field, is one possibility to increase biodiversity within farming systems. However, adoption of mixed cropping systems is challenging for ... -
21st Century Challenges in Arable Farming - Essays on the Agricultural Land Market and Drone Adoption in Germany
(2021-09-09)This cumulative thesis addresses two key challenges facing modern arable farming in Germany in the 21st century. The first challenge considered is the agricultural land market. The ongoing reduction in the limited production ... -
Entrepreneurship in Agriculture – Farmer Typology, Determinants and Values
(2021-06-10)Entrepreneurship in agriculture is becoming of greater importance with the changing framework conditions for agricultural production. The present dissertation analyses this topic from different angles in order to gain a ... -
Sustainable Development: Rural Poverty and Climate Change in Agriculture
(2020-10-27)How to achieve sustainable development is an important issue all over the world. In 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a universal action to ensure social, economic, ... -
Technical efficiency, technical change and return to scale of rice, maize and agricultural production in Vietnam
(2020-07-14)The rapid growth of human population has impacted on global food security, development and health. Therefore, efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals of reducing poverty and hunger needs to particularly focus ... -
Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft - Empirische Untersuchungen zur Nutzung von Smartphones
(2020-03-06)The dissertation deals with four different questions concerning the use of smartphones and smartphone apps in agriculture. Due to their computer-like computing power, mobile internet reception and high mobility, smartphones ... -
The impact of agri-environmental policy and infrastructure on wildlife and land prices
(2018-12-14)The thesis contains three essays in the field of environmental policy. In the first paper, we study the relationship between the agri-environmental payments for farmers and wildlife. The effects of EU agri-environmental ... -
Capacity development of small-scale farmers in developing countries: Analysis of preferences and the role of information and communication technologies
(2018-11-19)Capacity development through agricultural training is a proven approach to enhance the management skills of small-scale farmers in developing countries, aiming to increase their standard of living in the long run. Yet, ...