Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Hagmayer, York PD Dr."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Secular changes in sexual and natural selection against deleterious genetic mutations in humans
(2017-12-20)All genetic variation once arose by mutation. Genetic variation is the substance on which natural selection can act, but mutations are random. Therefore, new variations usually have negative or no effects on an organism’s ... -
Die Integration von Eltern in den stationären Therapieprozess essgestörter Patienten/-innen – Evaluation von Eltern-Kind-Therapiewochen in einer Klinik für Essstörungen
(2015-10-22)If the family is crucial in the development and genesis of eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia), it will also play an essential role to the treatment of the eating disorders child. In this study, “Eltern-Kind-Therapiewoche” ... -
Kognitive Verarbeitungsprozesse beim kausalen Urteilen und Entscheiden
(2012-11-12)The present work deals with cognitive processes that take place when people use their causal knowledge in judgment and decision making tasks. For this purpose it first will be argued that based on the special characteristics ...