Browsing Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik by Referee "Nagel, Jürgen Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Sensitivity of phyto-geocentric site productivity models to spatial extent and climate data aggregation
(2024-02-20)The impact of climate warming on forestry in Germany and Europe has become more and more visible in recent years and decades. This has lead to an increased demand for predictions on the development of forest stands with ... -
Kronenstruktur und -dynamik von Rein- und Mischbeständen aus Buche, Fichte und Douglasie
(2022-01-13)In this study, crown traits were examined in order to analyze their change depending on the neighborhood of individual trees and based on this, to compare the crown structure and use of space in pure and mixed stands. The ... -
Models for Mexican Temperate Forests: A Sustainable Management Approach
(2021-10-05)In Mexico there is a need for technologies that link forest stand dynamics with silviculture systems. Providing these technologies could enhance forest management, not only by making forests more profitable, but by adapting ... -
Untersuchungen zum Einfluss des Klimas auf das Wachstum der Hauptbaumarten in Deutschland
(2021-07-02)Since the 20th century, the global climate is changing at an unprecedented rate. For Central Europe, this change means an increase in average annual temperatures, changing precipitation conditions and an increase of ... -
Interconnection of a Forest Growth Model and a Structural Model for Young Poplar Trees (Populus spp.)
(2020-03-20)When planting fast-growing tree species such as poplars and willows on agricultural land in short rotation coppice plantations, site selection and the associated yield potential pose a central decision for the practitioner. ... -
Design and Implementation of Environmental Information Systems - Three case studies for managing climate and land-use change in Forestry and Agriculture
(2019-02-20)Environmental Information Systems are Information Systems developed and applied in the environmental domain to handle environmental data and information and to support the management of environmental challenges. Environmental ... -
Laubholz mit niedriger Umtriebszeit in Nordwestdeutschland - Charakterisierung der Vorkommen, Wachstumsmodellierung und waldbauliche Steuerung
(2018-03-02)The supply of short-lived deciduous trees (ALn) in Lower Saxony was analysed using data from the German national forest inventory (NFI, 2002 and 2012). The standard results of the NFI were augmented by own calculations, ... -
Ein klimasensitives, autoregressives Modell zur Beschreibung der Einzelbaum Mortalität
(2017-11-29)Forestry encounters new challenges in the face of the climate change, that require adaption measures of current forest management practices. Some positive but mostly negative effects due to the climate change are anticipated ... -
Development, evaluation and application of inference-based decision support methods to meet the rising wood demands of the growing bio-economy sector
(2017-10-26)Modern utilization techniques enable the substitution of fossil resources by renewable biological resources like wood from forestry. In this context, the bio-economy contributes to reducing the dependency upon fossil raw ... -
Kohlenstoffspeicherung als Teilziel der strategischen Waldbauplanung
(2016-08-09)Carbon sequestration in forests is a highly topical issue in the current climate change debate. The most important carbon pools are living and dead tree biomass, timber products and their substitution effects. The carbon ... -
Social media mining as an opportunistic citizen science model in ecological monitoring: a case study using invasive alien species in forest ecosystems.
(2015-10-14)Major environmental, social and economic changes threatening the resilience of ecosystems world-wide and new demands on a broad range of forest ecosystem services present new challenges for forest management and monitoring. ... -
Structural analysis and growth modeling of natural forests in Vietnam
(2015-02-11)Forest growth and yield models are the oldest and most expansive class; as such, they are the most widely used in forest management. The most significant benefits of those models are their ability to provide an efficient ... -
Approaches for the optimisation of double sampling for stratification in repeated forest inventories
(2013-06-17)Double sampling for stratification is an efficient sampling scheme that could prove its practicability in different forest inventories. Nevertheless, further increases of efficiency are desired. Several approaches for ... -
Funktions- / Strukturorientierte Pflanzenmodellierung in E-Learning-Szenarien.
(2008-02-04)This dissertation presents an elearning system combining methods of functional / structural plant modelling for forest growth simulation and virtual reality representation of forest stands. ... -
Managementmodell für die Analyse von Waldbauszenarien in Nothofagus-Beständen
(2008-02-01)The underlying motivation of the dissertation at hand was to promote the management of natural forests in Chile - especially of the Nothofagus-alpina N.-obliqua forests.Beside the scientific ... -
Ein nichtlineares, hierarchisches und gemischtes Modell für das Baum-Höhenwachstum der Fichte (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Baden-Württemberg
(2007-05-09)A non-linear hierarchical mixed model approach is used to describe height growth of Norway spruce applying longitudinal data. The parameter variation depends on covariates for fixed effects and random parameters. The ... -
Untersuchungen zur Simulation von Behandlungspfaden für Buchen-Fichten-Mischbestände
(2007-01-29)The individual forest stand, which is characterized by different site conditions and treatment history, is the elementary spatial unit in a forested landscape. Therefore, landscape and stand ... -
Vergleich forstlicher Managementstrategien
(2006-10-27)This dissertation deals with a possibility to reproduce management strategies in a forest growth simulator. The implementation of four silviculture concepts is documented, the application ... -
Simulation und Bewertung von Nutzungsstrategien unter heutigen und veränderten Klimabedingungen mit dem Wuchsmodell SILVA 2.2
(2004-10-15)The goal of this study is to find methods to investigate the effects of silvicultural treatments on growth and stand structure of German forests under climate and climate change. The study ... -
Versuchsflächenanalyse, Modellparametrisierung und waldbauliche Konsequenzen für die Behandlung von Buchen-Lärchen-Mischbeständen im Südniedersächsischen Bergland
(2001-06-13)The objective of the presented study is to extend the knowledge about mixed beech (Fagus sylvatica) and European Larch (Larix decidua Mill.) stands. The concept and structure of the study builds a bridge from the ...